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Film-debate on mental health - Annecy Campus

October 10, 2023 / 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

To mark Mental Health Week, the Student Health Service (SSE) is organizing a film-debate on Tuesday October 10 on the Annecy campus, in the presence of the film's director. After the screening of the short film "Les étoiles ont disparu"a discussion will be led by Romain Chambard, psychologist at the SSE, and a psychologist from the Maison des Adolescents d'Annecy. Students from Relais Santé will also be on hand to discuss mental health issues.

Meet at 6.30pm in amphi H001 at Annecy IUT. Places are limited, so register early!

About the film

"January 2021. Paris, France. Louise, 20, is studying economics and social sciences. In 15m2. 15m2 where her doubts and hopes cohabit. But above all her powerlessness and that strange feeling of sacrificed youth."

Marie Poupinet, 23, presents her first short film "Les étoiles ont disparu", made in February 2022. After completing a degree in Political Science and History in Paris, Marie went on to study film with a master's degree in audiovisual arts, and trained as a director and costume designer during several internships. She now works in the film industry and is writing the script for her next film.

"I made my first film during my gap year, in my spare time. We started from scratch, with volunteers. It's amateurish, but it's a great experience. We shot in 4 days, because we didn't have a lot of means, but this limitation forced us to find solutions. The story is fictional, but close to what many students have experienced," explains Marie.



Contact Annecy Campus Student Health Service


Date :
October 10, 2023
Time :
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Event categories:


Annecy Campus - Annecy IUT
9 Rue de l'Arc en Ciel
Annecy, 74940 France
+ Google Map
Occupancy rate 4 / 50

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