The field of non-linear optics covers all phenomena that occur when matter is illuminated with a very powerful beam of light. For example, light changes color as it passes through a perfectly transparent crystal.
Without lapsing into mathematical formalism, many formidable applications will be presented: the shortest controlled events (attosecond pulses) that humans are capable of producing, very high-speed fiber optic telecoms, medical imaging, ultimate microscopy, thermonuclear fusion, the creation of matter from light... but also, more prosaically, certain laser pointers that everyone can use every day.
This conference, entitled "Non-linear optics: light becomes magic"will be presented by Jean-Louis-COUTAZ, professor emeritus at the Centre de Radiofréquences, Optique et Micro-nanoélectronique des Alpes (CROMA), UFR Sciences et Montagne, and will take place on Tuesday June 11, 2024 at 6pm at theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc Presidency,27 rue Marcoz, 73000 Chambéry.
The conference will also be held :
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