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National Reservist Days - Annecy Campus

October 2, 2024 / 10 h 00 min - 15 h 30 min

"Proud of our Reservists": this is the motto of this year's Journées Nationales du Réserviste (JNR). But what does "being a reservist" actually mean?

In France, a number of reserve systems enable citizen volunteers to devote themselves, alongside their civilian lives, to missions designed to protect the French people. These include the National Guard, which comprises reservists from the armed forces, the national police force and the national gendarmerie. Among firefighters, the status of volunteer firefighter is similar to that of reservist. When you join the Reserves, you benefit from remuneration, training academics and human and professional experience in the service of the community.

Who better than our Reservist students and representatives of the armed forces (land, air, navy), the national gendarmerie, the national police and the fire department to tell you more about the Reserves and give you all the information you need about the Reservist's missions? They'll be waiting for you at the JNR with information stands, activities and demonstrations, and 2 conferences and debates led by USMB Reservist students! (at Polytech: Amphi B014 from 12pm to 1pm, then at IAE: Amphi 012 from 1:15pm to 2:15pm)


📍Wednesday, October 2 on the Annecy campus, esplanade Polytech and IAE

They will be present at the JNR


  • Haute Savoie Departmental Military Delegation (DMD 74)
  • 27th Battalion of Alpine Chasseurs (27e BCA)
  • Armed forces information and recruitment center (CIRFA 38 Marine and Air)
  • CIRFA 73 (French Army)
  • Assistant dĂ©partemental pour la Marine en Savoie (ADPM)


  • Haute-Savoie Departmental Gendarmerie Group (GGD 74)

National Police

  • Departmental Public Security Directorate (DDSP 74)
  • Delegation of the National Police Civil Reserve (SGAMI-SE)

Invited safety personnel other than the National Guard
Haute-Savoie Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS 74)


Find out more about JNR at USMB


Date :
October 2, 2024
Time :
10 h 00 min - 15 h 30 min
Event categories:


Annecy Campus -Building 7 - Polytech
5 Chemin de Bellevue
Annecy, 74940 France
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