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Festival Plus d'Egalité: Raising awareness of the relatiometer tool!

February 12 / 11 h 00 min - 14 h 00 min

It's not always easy to know where we stand in our emotional, friendly and family relationships...

This tool can help you assess how you're feeling and alert you to potential problems.

Come and discover the relatiometer and chat with Relais Santé students!

The relatiometer was created by student health promoters in collaboration with the Service de Santé Etudiante, the CROUS and the Centre de Santé Sexuelle de la Savoie.

📅 Meet us on Monday February 12 on the Jacob campus in room 20 020. Free access!


This event is financed by the CVEC. It is also open to students from the IFSI in Chambéry and Annecy.

Our actions are designed to be accessible to as many people as possible, but if you have any specific needs, please don't hesitate to contact us.

For further information: Service.vie-etudiante@univ-smb.fr / 04 79 75 94 15

The SVEC team


Date :
February 12
Time :
11 h 00 min - 14 h 00 min
Event category: