Amphis Pour Tous - "I feel I am becoming a god": the divinization of Roman emperors in the High Empire

April 4, 2019 6:30 pm - april 4, 2019 19:30

La conférence « Je sens que je deviens dieu » : la divinisation des empereurs romains sous le haut-empire, présentée par Fabrice Delrieux, professeur d’université au laboratoire Langages, Littératures, Sociétés, Études Transfrontalières et Internationales (LLSETI), UFR Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines, aura lieu le jeudi 4 avril 2019 à 18h30 au Dôme Cinéma à Albertville.


Between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD, the self-image of Rome's emperors changed considerably. Initially presenting themselves as the first magistrates of a Republic officially restored after the troubled times of civil war, they quickly blurred their image. At first with subtle touches, then with ever-increasing clarity, they reveal to the world an exceptional nature that distances them from ordinary mortals, to the point of making them resemble gods, intending to be treated as such. Statues are a particularly good example of this evolution. Through the study of emblematic works, listeners will discover how well sculpted stone can become a formidable weapon of propaganda.