Amphis Pour Tous - The rambling of thought: a necessary process in adapting to the environment?

April 9, 2019 6:30 pm - April 9th 2019 19:30

La conférence « La divagation de la pensée : un processus nécessaire dans l’adaptation à l’environnement ? », présentée par Thierry Atzeni, maître de conférences au Laboratoire Inter-universitaire de Psychologie – Personnalité, Cognition, Changement Social (LIP-PC2S), UFR Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines, aura lieu le mardi 9 avril 2019 à 18h30 à Archamps Technopole, Domaine de Chosal en Amphi Giffre. 


In July 2004, Patrick Le Lay, then CEO of the TF1 television channel, declared that "What we sell to Coca Cola is available human brain time". Over and above the controversy it provoked, this statement raised the scientific question of how to understand "available human brain time". The notion of availability implicitly refers to the idea that, in order to be receptive to our environment, our "brain" must not be diverted from it. In other words, paying attention to the activity in progress is essential if it is to be carried out effectively. However, in our daily lives, we all experience a phenomenon that has been widely described and studied in psychology: rambling, a phenomenon that seems to be at odds with the notion of availability, and even with that of efficiency. The mechanisms underlying rambling are complex, and understanding them is a key factor in identifying the implications of making our "brain available" at all times.
brain available" at all times.