CANCELLED - Comparative Political Life Conference - "The children of activism. Intergenerational transmission of political dispositions in authoritarian contexts".

march 19, 2020 1:30 pm - march 19, 2020 3:30 pm

This year,Université Savoie Mont Blanc and the Faculty of Law are hosting the ninth series of "Comparative Political Life Lectures", featuring researchers in the social sciences and humanities whose work sheds light on major contemporary socio-political issues.

The fifth cycle conference will take place on Thursday, March 19, 2020, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm, in amphitheater 3 on the Jacob-Bellecombette campus, with Joseph Hivert, PhD in political science from theUniversity of Lausanne.
He will be speaking on the theme: "Les enfants du militantisme. Intergenerational transmission of political dispositions in an authoritarian context".

About Joseph Hivert

He is a specialist in the sociology of political socialization and the sociology of commitment. He has worked in particular on former far-left political prisoners in Morocco and their families, focusing on the question of intergenerational transmission of political commitment. His recently completed thesis, which he will be presenting to us, is entitled: Les enfants du militantisme. Transmission intergénérationnelle des dispositions politiques en contexte autoritaire (Maroc, des années 1970 à nos jours).

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