Exhibition: "Sustainable development goals

january 4, 2023 00:00 - january 27, 2023 00:00

climat danger bu 2022 exhibition

At the start of the new year, the USMB University Libraries are turning their attention to the issue of climate. Three exhibitions on this theme can be visited at the BUs in Annecy and Bourget-du-Lac.

At the same time, from January 16 to 27, five mini-conferences with scientific experts will be held at BU Bourget-du-Lac, open to all, to learn, reflect, exchange and act for the climate.

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Produced by the GoodPlanet Foundation, the exhibition "Sustainable Development Goals" exhibition on the Annecy campus presents the environmental and social challenges facing the world today, and the solutions that will shape the world of tomorrow. Firmly focused on respect for the diversity of human beings and natural resources, the posters present a selection of photographs accompanied by educational texts.

This exhibition is on loan from Jacques Letourneur, a former teacher at the university.

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Contact: question-bu@univ-smb.fr