Lycée - University Exchange Day (JELU)

November 5, 2020 09:00 - November 5th 2020 13:00

Thursday, November 05, 2020Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) will be hosting a remote information day on the university for educational staff from the region's secondary schools.

The aim of the day was to provide an up-to-date overview of the university and to raise awareness of its workings among the educational teams who work with future baccalaureate holders on a daily basis to prepare them for their career choices.

On the program: a plenary session followed by a choice of workshops on a variety of themes:

  • Université Savoie Mont Blanc : review, transformations and current events
  • Analysis of applications on Parcoursup
  • The link between first and final year specializations and university courses
  • The evolution of studies at the IUT, the BAC 2021 and the BUT

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