Launch of the book "Écrire l'histoire, penser le pouvoir. États de Savoie, XVe-XVIe siècles", published by USMB

December 14, 2018 5:00 PM - December 14, 2018 19:00

On Friday December 14, Laurent Ripart, senior lecturer in medieval history and researcher at the Laboratoire Langages, Littératures, Sociétés, Études Transfrontalières et Internationales (LLSETI) atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB), will present "Écrire l'histoire, penser le pouvoir. États de Savoie, XVe-XVIe siècles", a collection of texts he has compiled and edited in a single volume.

The book presentation will take place at the USMB Presidency in Chambéry, in the Decottignies amphitheatre, at 5pm. Free admission.


The Savoy historiograph was born in 1417, when Duke Amédée VIII ordered the writing of the Chroniques de Savoie. From then on, the states of Savoy became a land of history-writing, producing a substantial body of chronicles, genealogies, annals and other memoirs in the 15th and 16th centuries. This rich and little-known material is the subject of this book, which examines the political stakes involved in putting the Savoyard past into writing. It places this boom in historiographical writing in the context of the development of a taste for history, one of the constitutive elements of the new humanist culture. It also highlights the diversity of paths - but also voices - of history in the Renaissance, showing that they offered a plurality of interpretations of the dynastic past that tended to disappear in the age of absolutism. The 1660 publication of Samuel Guichenon's Histoire généalogique de la royale maison de Savoie (Genealogical History of the Royal House of Savoy), which the ducal government had published in large numbers, gave the Savoy states an official history that was widely disseminated, and that was to be authoritative well into the first half of the 19th century.