[ANNULÉE] Rencontre « Compétitivité et performance industrielle »

june 11, 2024 08:30 - june 11, 2024 12:00

competitiveness and industrial performance meeting(1)

La rencontre « Compétitivité et performance industrielle » qui devait avoir lieu le mardi 11 juin 2024 à 8h30 à l’ID Center de Cluses est annulée. Cette rencontre est soutenue par l’État dans le cadre du volet Territoires d’Innovation Pédagogique du Programme d’investissements d’avenir, opéré par la Caisse des Dépôts.

About the event

Business leaders, socio-economic players, teachers, students, etc., come and discover the latest trends in the industry of the future and the expertise of the University's laboratories!

This meeting will be an opportunity to exchange ideas with the SYstème et Matériaux pour la Mécatronique (SYMME) laboratory, the Laboratoire d'Informatique, Systèmes, Traitement de l'Information et de la Connaissance (LISTIC), and the Institut de Recherche en Gestion et Économie (IREGE).Institut de Recherche en Gestion et Économie (IREGE). The PITON innovation gas pedal and the Pôle Innovation Collaborative will also be present.

The program

  • 8:45am: Opening conference Management, competitiveness and industrial performance: 3 USMB laboratories, the PITON scheme and the Pôle Innovation Collaborative will share the fruits of their experience to provide concrete solutions and/or prospects for industrial innovation to meet tomorrow's major challenges in the fields of production, simulation, management and more.
  • 10:00 & 11:00: 2 workshops of your choice (among 3 themes) to experiment with new tools:

    • Workshop: Metal additive manufacturing - current situation, needs, issues, possible solutions, areas of work...
    • Ownership workshop: Progress approaches and team maturity - Where are you now? How can you move forward?
    • Workshop academics: Competency mapping - Catcap online tool, case study, use...
  • 12:00: Time for a convivial aperitif

Possibility of visiting CETIM's Quatrium and Industrie du futur areas.

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