All day long

Chambéry Spanish and Latin American Film Fortnight - 30th edition

Chambéry - Cinéma l'Astrée 7 Boulevard du Théâtre, Chambéry

The 30th edition of Chambéry's Spanish and Latin American Film Fortnight will take place from March 13 to 26, 2024, at the Astrée cinema. 25 films and documentaries will be screened, with 8 [...]


Entre Midi et Science - Brain: why is it so hard to commit?

Chambéry - Galerie Eurêka 150 Rue de la République, Chambéry

Galerie Eureka invites you to come and chat with Marie PREVOST, PhD in neuroscience, president and founder of "La Fabrique à Neurones", on the theme "Brain: why is it so difficult to commit? [...]


BOOST Workshop "Revise with efficiency

Distanciel - Zoom

The midterms are approaching and you're not quite ready? The Pôle Réussite of SUIO-IP (Service Universitaire d'Information d'Orientation et d'Insertion Professionnelle) offers you the BOOST workshop "Reviser avec efficacité", [...].

Wellness Workshop - Gentle muscle toning - Distanciel

Distanciel Teams

USMB's Student Health Service (SSE) and Sports Service (SDS) offer you a range of activities to help you stay zen throughout the year, including Well-Being workshops. Yoga, sophrology, animal mediation, gentle muscle strengthening and even [...]