Philosophy lecture: Morality and politics - an antinomy?

November 16, 2022 18:00 - november 16, 2022 8:00 PM

Organized by USMB's Langages, Littératures, Sociétés Etudes Transfrontalières et Internationales (LLSETI) laboratory and the Association des professeurs de philosophie de l'enseignement public, the 2022-2023 cycle of philosophical conferences kicks off this Wednesday, November 16 at 6pm with a debate on the theme of "Morality and Politics". It will take place at the USMB presidency in Chambéry.

In our eyes, the world of politics is often nothing but corruption, disloyalty, lies, betrayed ideals and petty arrangements, to the detriment of a people who, as far as we can tell, do not embody virtue either. It may be that power is corrupting; it may also be that, as Machiavelli showed us, politics is inevitably a place of cunning and a closed field of power relations in which morality has no part. But we know that Machiavelli was less skeptical of morality than radically critical of its purported proponents, in particular the Church, corrupt and partisan of domination. But in any case, we are investing the political field with ethical demands, and we know that our ethical demands are powerless without the support of politics. We propose to discuss these issues in a deliberately limited round-table discussion between a few people, after which we'll open the floor wide to see if, in a matter which, being not a matter of science but of opinion, confronts us with dissensus, any issues emerge.

The speakers taking part in the debate are :

  • Pascal Bouvier, professor of philosophy at USMB;
  • Jean Pierre Ruffier, inspecteur Honoraire de l'Education Nationale
  • Édouard Schoene, engineer ;
  • Martine Verlhac, Honorary Professor of Philosophy.

The conference is open to all, without registration, and will be held in Room 3 (27 rue Marcoz, Chambéry).