Lecture - "World records in running from 100 m to 5,000 m: an energy analysis".

February 12, 2019 5:30 PM

On Tuesday, February 12, 2019, the Laboratoire Inter-universitaire de Biologie de la Motricité (LIBM) is organizing a lecture on "World records in running from 100 m to 5,000 m: an energy analysis" as part of the visit toUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc of Professor Di Prampero, world expert in exercise physiology.

It will take place at 5:30pm in the amphitheater of building 4E (formerly the Vanoise amphitheater), on the Bourget-du-Lac campus.

About the conference

The evolution over time of metabolic power during the best 100-400 m running performances in world-class athletes was estimated by assuming that running during acceleration sprints on flat ground is biomechanically equivalent to running uphill at constant speed. As the energy cost of climbing is known, it is then possible to obtain the energy cost and metabolic power during sprints, based solely on the evolution of speed over time. The same type of approach has enabled us to accurately estimate the maximum metabolic power and overall energy expenditure during world records ranging from 100 m to 5,000 m, as well as the maximum aerobic power and the maximum amount of energy from the anaerobic pathway of the record holders. And all this without having to take these champions to the laboratory! These innovative methods not only improve our understanding of the limits of human locomotion, but are also used in performance optimization systems.

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Contact: LIBM