Study day on Violence, journalism and fundamental freedoms in Latin America (XX-XXI)

september 26, 2019 09:00 - september 26, 2019 18:30

A Study Day on the theme "Violence, journalism and fundamental freedoms in Latin America (XX-XXI)" will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2019, from 9am to 6:30pm, in room 10 003 in Bâtiment 10 on the Jacob-Bellecombette campus.

This study day is part of the "Manifestations et expressions de la violence en Amérique Latine (XX-XXIe)" project. This project is run by the universities Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Avignon, Paris-Est Créteil and Savoie Mont Blanc, with its Langages, Littératures, Sociétés, Études Transfrontalières et Internationales laboratory.

About the study day

In the Latin American context (20th and 21st centuries), the omnipresence of violent acts, committed as much by authoritarian or dictatorial regimes as by various armed groups or criminal organizations, has raised numerous questions about public safety and respect for fundamental freedoms. The latter include freedom of opinion and expression, which is one of the essential rights for the proper functioning of society, and is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It should be stressed that freedom of expression is inextricably linked to other fundamental rights, such as freedom of assembly, demonstration and movement, which also include the right to security and the right to inform or be informed.

The main interest of this first Study Day is to examine, from a multi-disciplinary perspective, the question of freedom of expression in the face of violence against journalists in Latin America in recent decades. It is also an opportunity to look at the progress, setbacks and future prospects for the exercise of individual freedoms in the various countries of the region. Recent changes of government, the absence of democratic alternation, political and economic crises, the influence of organized crime - these are just some of the factors that determine the evolution of the exercise of freedoms, the safeguarding of which is fundamental in a region marked by chronic political, economic and social instability. All the channels, media and means of information and communication - written or graphic press (caricature), radio, television and social networks - whose journalists and/or media contributors may have experienced a situation of violence can be analyzed as part of our work and debates.

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