Exhibition: "The climate in danger

January 4, 2023 00:00 - February 28, 2023 00:00

climat danger bu 2022 exhibition

At the start of the new year, the USMB University Libraries are turning their attention to the issue of climate. Three exhibitions on this theme can be visited at the BUs in Annecy and Bourget-du-Lac.

At the same time, from January 16 to 27, five mini-conferences with scientific experts will be held at BU Bourget-du-Lac, open to all, to learn, reflect, exchange and act for the climate.

Find out more about this exhibition

The BU du Bourget-du-Lac immerses you in climate issues with the exhibition "Le climat en danger" exhibition on display from January 4 to February 28, 2023 in the relaxation area of the BU.

Around this exhibition on loan from Galerie Eurêka and produced by Double Hélice, discover readings: essays, novels, comics that will make you think and imagine the world of tomorrow! (.... But not only!)

To discover the documents selected for the occasion, you can download the bibliographies on the subject: Causes, Consequences, Actions and Climate in fiction.

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Contact: question-bu@univ-smb.fr