LLSETI seminar on Italian and cross-border studies

February 19, 2019 00:00 - April 10, 2019 00:00

As part of the work of the "Cultural Conflicts and Exchanges in Europe, the Mediterranean and Italy" team, the Langages, Littératures, Sociétés, Études Transfrontalières et Internationales (LLSETI) laboratory atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc is organizing several seminar days in Italian and cross-border studies between February 19 and April 10, 2019 on the Jacob-Bellecombette campus.

The program

Tuesday, February 19

  • 1:30 pm, room 10011
    Jean-Luc Nardone (Université Toulouse 2), French Petrarquism, from Marot to Aragon

Wednesday, February 20

  • 3:30 pm, room 11003
    Massimo Lucarelli (LLSETI), Carducci and the French Revolution: a "poeta della storia" (Benedetto Croce) less a historian than a committed one

Wednesday, March 13

  • 3:30 pm, room 11003
    Floriana Calitti (Perugia University for Foreigners), La fortuna dell'Orlando furioso in Francia fra letteratura delle immagini e codici simbolico-morali

Wednesday, March 27

  • 3:30 pm, room 11003
    Antonio Casamento (LLSETI), Dans la clinique de l'amour du docteur Capuana : Giacinta entre Germinie Lacerteux et L'assommoir

Thursday, April 4

  • 4:30 pm, Room 100
    Giacomo Vagni (University of Lausanne), "Quasi mezzo fra 'l poeta e 'l dialettico. Commentare i Dialoghi di Torquato Tasso.

Wednesday, April 10

  • 3:30 pm, room 11003
    Aminata Aidara (writer), " Exister à bout de plume: un recueil de nouvelles, une thèse, un roman" (Existing at the end of a pen: a collection of short stories, a thesis, a novel).
    [More information]

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Contacts : Silvia D'Amico / Cristina Vignali-De-Poli / Massimo Lucarelli