
Innovation and valorization of research

Anchored in a rich and dynamic ecosystem, the USMB encourages the valorization of its research results and the transfer of knowledge to socio-economic players, in order to foster innovation. It makes the expertise and skills of its researchers and its research facilities available to companies and local authorities. It also supports its researchers in their partnership activities through a commercialization network, a dedicated department and training courses.
The USMB benefits from the networking activities of the Fondation USMB, which supports research projects with a strong impact on the Savoie Mont Blanc region, notably through research chairs.

Knowledge transfer

Knowledge transfer can take several forms: research collaboration, CIFRE collaboration, service provision, access to specific equipment, etc., depending on the needs, intellectual and financial contributions of each partner and the expected results.

Would you like to find out more about the expertise of our researchers and laboratories?
Would you like to find out more about our transfer activities?

Coming soon: links to laboratory partnership fact sheets and a contact form.

The Partnerships, Valorization and Transfers Department is there to help you in all your endeavors, to put you in touch with the most appropriate partners and to secure your work by drawing up preliminary contracts.

Coming soon: a contact form and access to online resources.

Key figures 

  • 150 contracts signed by 2020 betweenUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc laboratories and socio-economic partners
  • 45 patent families in progress and 71 active patents

Year 2020 data

Technology transfer and business start-ups

USMB is a shareholder in SATT LINKSIUM (Société d'Accélération de Transfert de Technologies de Grenoble Alpes) and offers its partners collaborative maturation and incubation contracts. Thanks to its technology transfer and start-up assistance activities, the USMB is able to support project leaders, whether researchers or students.
Key figures

  • 15 transfer projects with SATT Linksium since 2016, including 6 startups
  • A flow of around ten projects in the development phase (maturation - incubation)

Year 2020 data

Examples of start-up presentations:

Research Chairs

Research chairs bring together researchers to focus on an innovative research topic, a vector for scientific advances and major innovations. They are set up in partnership with the Université Savoie Mont Blanc foundation, which fosters dialogue between companies, local authorities and universities, and provides support for the development of exploratory research projects on transition issues.