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UNITA - Universitas Montium: climb your future!

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UNITA Universitas Montium is an alliance of twelve universities, supported by the European Universities Initiative. Launched in November 2020, it brings partners together around shared values and objectives, to promote a new form of cooperation on a European scale.

UNITA historically brings together 6 universities:

They were joined on November 1, 2023 by 6 new partners:

The University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO, Switzerland) and theYuriy Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi (YHY, Ukraine) also join the consortium as associate partners.


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UNITA in practice

Discover UNITA's activities at USMB

Building for the future

With UNITA, the USMB is co-constructing and integrating a European university, supported by the European Union.

The USMB and the other partner universities aim to achieve an unprecedented level of cooperation at all levels of organization and in all areas of activity: academics research and innovation, service to society.

The alliance brings together over 250,000 students and 21,000 staff members.

This European university will take the form of a federative structure in which each institution will retain its autonomy.

  1. Creating a shared governance structure
  2. Focus on innovation and student needs
  3. Promoting multilingualism, particularly through intercomprehension in Romance languages
  4. Structuring research, particularly in the fields of renewable energies, the circular economy and cultural heritage
  5. Creating an interconnected campus
  6. Promoting mobility for all
  7. Contribute to reflection on European citizenship
  8. Sustaining the UNITA alliance

The UNITA Universitas Montium alliance is based on shared values such as social responsibility, democratic participation, sustainable development, inclusiveness and the promotion of personal development.

The six partners want to create a European university that is open, inclusive and a force for innovative proposals, to develop the notion of European identity and convey the point of view of mountain dwellers.

On this basis, UNITA aims to design a truly European inter-university campus in its own right, promoting the excellence and attractiveness of the alliance. Students and staff will benefit from a multilingual, needs-driven environment, enabling increased mobility and the development of innovative pedagogical approaches such as intercomprehension between Romance languages.

This approach is mainly based on joint reflection involving students and staff from partner universities, in order to respond to social challenges and give them the means to fully embrace their European citizenship.

UNITA is firmly rooted in its regions. With 32 associated partners, the alliance is part of a substantial territorial network, working to develop European regions often considered peripheral. These include rural areas, which are often faced with depopulation - with the exception of the Savoie Mont Blanc region.

UNITA showcases these regions with their shared characteristics, thanks to joint actions carried out with associated partners who are heavily involved in this European university project.

Six associate partners have joined UNITA through their links withuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc :

  • The International Association for the Promotion of Remote Intercomprehension (Apicad)
  • Association Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
  • USMB Business Club
  • Savoie Mont Blanc Council (CSMB)
  • Euromontana association
  • The Tenerrdis competitiveness cluster

To discover the objectives of the new phase of UNITA, with 12 partners, you can read the alliance's mission statement: UNITA Mission Statement final

UNITA documentation and communication materials

UNITA website

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Contact us

General contact

Contact mobilités

Intercomprehension contact

GEMINAE program contact

Partner university contacts
Universidade da Beira Interior :
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara:
Università degli Studi di Torino :
Universidad de Zaragoza :

UNITA is a European university supported by the European Union and co-financed by the European Commission's Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programs, as well as by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (convention ANR-20-GURE-0015) and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region.

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