New start, new environment: welcome touniversité Savoie Mont Blanc !
You're now one of the 15,000 students on our 3 campuses in Jacob-Bellecombette, Bourget-du-Lac and Annecy. The USMB is also home to 18 research laboratories, 7 departments and a multitude of services that share your daily life on our university sites.
When you join the USMB, you also become part of the European university UNITA: an alliance of 12 universities in 7 European countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Romania, Switzerland and Ukraine) that gives you privileged international access during your studies.
Let's stop with the key figures and discover your new university!
USMB student space
Are you a student atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc ? We've set up a website dedicated to student life. This site, available from your intranet, gives you all the information, help and contacts you need to make a success of your year and take part in campus life.
TheUniversité Savoie Mont blanc student area is :
- Help for new students
- A support platform
- Campus news: news and events not to be missed
- Practical life: student services, student card, grants, catering, jobs, etc.
- Health: professionals at your service, appointments, wellness workshops, etc.
- Sports: activities, outings, competitions, etc.
- University libraries (B.U.): services for research, work, etc.
- Cultural life: free shows, cinema tickets, student benefits, etc.
- Community life
- International: study abroad, come and study at the university
Have a question? Need support? Visit the Student Success Center on your campus!