Teaching areas :
- Economic and Social Administration
- Public administration
- Notary professions
- Private law
- Public law
- Preparation for the entrance exam to the Centre Régional de academics Professionnelle des Avocats (CRFPA)
Dean : David BAILLEUL
Administrative Manager: Julie VANDERSTEENE
- Domaine universitaire de Chambéry/Jacob-Bellecombette - BP 1104 - 73011 Chambéry Cedex
- Tel: 04 79 75 85 11
- FACULTY OF LAW website
Teaching areas :
- Retail
- Economics-Finance
- International Management
- International Center for Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (CITHEME)
- Technology and Management
Manager: Richard CALVI
Administrative Manager: Éric BLANDIN
- Domaine universitaire d'Annecy - 4 Chemin de Bellevue - BP 80439 - 74940 Annecy-le-Vieux, France
- Domaine Universitaire de Jacob-Bellecombette, Route de Saint-Cassin - BP 1104 - 73011 Chambéry, France
- Tel: 04 50 09 24 00
Teaching areas :
- Physical measurements
- Electrical engineering and industrial computing
- Mechanical and production engineering
- Business and administrative management
- Logistics, industrial and organizational quality
- Networks and telecoms
- IT
- Marketing techniques
- Social
Director: Stéphane TICHADOU
Administrative Manager: Estelle VOILE
- Domaine universitaire d'Annecy - 9, rue de l'Arc-en-ciel - BP 240 - 74942 Annecy-le-vieux - France
- Tel: +33 4 50 09 22 22
- ANNECY IUT website
Teaching areas :
- Civil engineering, sustainable construction
- Administrative and commercial management of organizations
- Packaging, wrapping and packing
- Multimedia and Internet professions
- Materials science and engineering
Provisional administrator: Christian PICARD
Administrative manager: Sandrine NICOUD
- Domaine universitaire du Bourget-du-Lac - Bâtiment 9 - 73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac
- Tel: +33 4 79 75 81 75
- CHAMBÉRY IUT website
Teaching areas :
- Instrumentation Automation Computing
- Mechanics - Materials
- Environment Building Energy
- Mechanics - Productics (partnership ITII des 2 Savoie)
- Computers - Data - Usage
Manager: Adrien BADEL
Administrative manager :Emmanuelle PAREL
- Domaine universitaire d'Annecy - 5, chemin de Bellevue - BP 80439 - 74016 Annecy-le-Vieux Cedex - France
Tel: +33 4 50 09 66 00 - Domaine universitaire du Bourget-du-Lac - Bâtiment 8 - 73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac
Tel: +33 4 79 75 94 00 - POLYTECH ANNECY-CHAMBÉRY website
Teaching areas :
Humanities and Social Sciences:
- History
- Psychology
- SociologyArts
Letters and Languages :
- Letters
- Applied Foreign Languages
- Foreign Languages, Literatures and Civilizations
- Information - Communication
- Digital creation
Manager: Laurent RIPART
Administrative manager: Anne LOUVAT
- Domaine universitaire de Chambéry/Jacob-Bellecombette - BP 1104 - 73011 Chambéry Cedex
- Tel direction : +33 4 79 75 84 25
- Tel school : +33 4 79 75 84 79
Teaching areas :
- Chemistry
- Electronics
- Geography
- IT
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Computer Science Applied to the Humanities and Social Sciences (MIASHS)
- Physics
- Earth Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities (STAPS)
- Telecom-network
Manager: Richard TAILLET
Administrative manager: Dorine CARAËS
- Domaine universitaire du Bourget-du-Lac - Bâtiment 8 - 73376 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex
- Tel: +33 4 79 75 94 56
The CNFEDS provides initial academics training for professionals preparing to teach young deaf and blind people in the medical-social sector.
4 diplomas are available:
- Master's degree in Teaching and Deafness, with the CAPEJS diploma (Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat de l'Enseignement des Jeunes Sourds: state diploma)
- the Certificate of Aptitude for General Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired (CAEGADV)
- the Certificate of Aptitude for Teaching Music to the Blind and Visually Impaired (CAEMADV)
- Certificat d'Aptitude aux Fonctions de Professeur de l'Enseignement Technique des Aveugles et Déficients Visuels (CAFPETADV) (Blind and Visually Impaired Teacher's Certificate)
It also offers academics continuing education for professionals in the sector. Attached to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, it is a department of theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
Manager: Élisabeth MASSA-BINCAZ
- 378, rue de la République - 73000 Chambéry - France
- secretariat.cnfeds@univ-smb.fr
- Tel: 04 79 75 85 71
- CNFEDS website