
Label Human Resources for Research

Concerned about the recruitment and working conditions of its researchers,Université Savoie Mont Blanc applied for and obtained the HRS4R label.

This label, issued by the European Commission, is awarded to higher education establishments committed to continuous improvement in terms of recruitment and the research environment.

The label is based on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers published in 2005. The Charter and Code are structured around 4 themes, grouping together 40 principles:

  1. Ethical principles and professional responsibilities
  2. Recruitment, mobility
  3. Working and safety conditions, professional environment
  4. academicscareer development

For the USMB, the implementation of the HRS4R label represents a number of challenges in line with its strategy of excellence and international openness:

  • Improve recruitment procedures for our researchers
  • Developing the careers of our researchers
  • Raising the University's profile internationally
  • Boosting recruitment appeal
  • Obtain more funding by meeting the requirements of the European Commission


A self-assessment and co-construction approach

As a candidate for the label since November 2022,Université Savoie Mont Blanc has deployed a self-assessment and co-construction process involving the academic community. Three internal working groups worked on the university's positioning with regard to the 40 principles of the label and on proposing courses of action.

Meetings to exchange best practices have also been held with national research organizations, long-standing partners of the USMB, and within the UNITA Alliance.

At the end of 13 working meetings, the self-diagnosis carried out led to the design of an action plan structured around 4 priorities, 10 objectives and 30 actions.

HRS4R label: USMB action plan


This action plan has been validated by the European Commission. USMB now has 24 months to implement it before an interim evaluation. During this implementation phase, the USMB research community will be involved and will be able to make proposals in order to offer an ever more favorable research environment for USMB researchers.