CVEC - Student and Campus Life Contribution

Without this certificate, you will not be able to register.

The CVEC is "intended to promote the social, health, cultural and sporting welcome and support of students, and to bolster the preventive and health education actions carried out for them" (article L. 841-5 of the Education Code).

La loi prévoit qu’elle est collectée par les CROUS. D’un montant annuel de 103 €, on peut y être assujetti ou non et selon certaines situations, on peut en être exonéré.

Actions carried out with the Contribution de Vie Étudiante et de Campus (Student and Campus Life Contribution)

Paying the CVEC is a compulsory part of enrolling in higher education.

To simplify your CVEC contribution, you can do it online at It is compulsory to present it when you register, and it will also give you access to Crous scholarships and residence accommodation. Note that Crous residences allow you to reduce your monthly expenses, but you still have to pay for the day-to-day costs of your accommodation. elec prices for electricity rates in France.