Parcours Las Santé

Access to health and masseur-physiotherapy studies via USMB

Access to health studies (medicine, midwifery, dentistry and pharmacy) is undergoing major change, with the disappearance of the First Common Year of Health Studies (PACES), commonly known as the "first year of medicine".

Baccalaureate holders from Savoie and Haute Savoie can now study medicine, maïeutics, pharmacy and masseur-kinésithérapeute viaUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.

Access to health studies via USMB's Health Access Licenses

The Accès Santé Licenses are demanding courses, reserved for highly motivated students with a strong capacity for hard work.

USMB's "Licences Accès Santé" (Health Access Licenses) include courses in the chosen discipline, as well as English courses and courses providing the skills needed to pursue studies in the health sector: modules covering health-related disciplines and preparation for the exams required to apply for a place in the health sector. They combine a health option and a academics subject, in the chosen bachelor's degree field. It is therefore advisable to have a sufficiently solid grounding to follow the health option courses without dropping out.

The health option at USMB means 10 ECTS over the year and courses in :

  • Hybrid teaching (flipped learning, distance learning, face-to-face sessions)
  • Human physiology
  • Sciences (physics-chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, histology-biology)
  • Biostatistics
  • Anatomy
  • Introduction to drug knowledge

In collaboration with Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA),Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) offers Health option courses in 11 bachelor's degree programs: STAPS (Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives; 3 programs), Life sciences, Earth sciences, Geography and planning, Mathematics, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, Physics-Chemistry, Computer science and Engineering sciences, on the Bourget-du-Lac and Chambéry-Jacob-Bellecombette campuses.

Choosing the discipline for your health access degree is of the utmost importance. It is essential to truly appreciate the chosen discipline, and to be able to achieve good results in it, if you hope to be admitted to the2nd year of health studies.

In total, the health option courses in these 11 bachelor's degrees offer almost 110 places to high school students wishing to enroll in a health access bachelor's degree (L.AS).

Places in the Health Access License at USMB
Chemistry 20
Geography and planning 5
IT 5
Mathematics 7
Physics 2
Physics and Chemistry 2
Psychology 20
Earth Sciences 4
Life Sciences 20
Engineering sciences 4


Students can apply for the health studies they are interested in (around half the places in the second year of health studies are reserved for L.AS students, either at L1 level, or on completion of an L2 or L3). In the event of non-admission, students can continue into the second year of their chosen degree. They may reapply for access to the second year of health studies after at least one additional year (in the2nd or3rd year of the bachelor's degree).

Access to masseur-kinésithérapeute studies from USMB

Students enrolled in USMB courses (L.AS, licenses in the Sciences, Technology, Health field) have the opportunity to enter the academics masseur-kinésithérapeute program run by the physiotherapy department of CHU Grenoble Alpes (IFMK de Grenoble). Two recruitment channels are open to them, each with a quota of reserved places. In both cases, access is selective:

  • Access from a 1st year Bachelor's degree in Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities (STAPS) or 1st year Bachelor's degree in Sciences Technology Health fromUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (specific USMB quota for 2020-2021: 3 places)
  • Access from USMB or UGA L.AS, in L1 or in L2 and L3 (quota common to UGA and USMB for 2021-2021: 2 places +2 places)

Please note: The number of places offered in 2021-2022 for each of the two tracks will be defined at a later date (after the redistribution between the different tracks of the 18 places reserved this year for PACES repeaters).

PASS or LAS? How do I choose?

There are two ways to enter the second year of health studies after the baccalauréat: health access licenses (L.AS) and the specific health access pathway (PASS).

The "Parcours Spécifiques Accès Santé" (PASS) (not offered at USMB) comprises a core of health-related courses, plus an option chosen in a field or discipline outside the health field (e.g. Law, Humanities, Science and Technology). At the end of the PASS year, students can apply for the health studies that interest them. In the event of non-admission, it is not possible to repeat the PASS. Students can continue on to the second year of their bachelor's degree at university (depending on the subject option they have chosen) and apply for health studies after at least one additional year (in the2nd or3rd year of their bachelor's degree). The PASS is a continuation of the former PACES (première année commune aux études de santé). It includes a disciplinary minor that opens the door to disciplines outside the health field. However, the weight of scientific and health subjects is decisive for access to the2nd year of health studies.

In comparison, the L.AS programs are designed to accommodate a wider range of profiles, in order to diversify the caregiver pool. Health access licenses also make it easier for students whose plans have not been successful to reorient themselves. To succeed in the L.AS program, you need to achieve good results in the disciplines covered by your bachelor's degree, and pass the health option.