If you would like to receive our press releasesuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
or for any special request, please contact :
> USMB Communications Department at direction.communication(at)univ-smb.fr or 04 79 75 91 16
- 2024 : Back to school press kit 2024
- 2024: Sport in our DNA
- 2024: My thesis in 180 seconds - academic final in Chambéry
- 2023: Back-to-school press kit 2023
- 07/01/2025: Philippe Briand is elected Chairman of theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 18/12/2024: ERABLE - Acting for glaciers: a research-action project led by USMB
- 3/12/2024: Launch of the Chimie Verte Academy project
- 22/11/2024: université Savoie Mont Blanc recognized as one of the best in the new THE Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025
- 25/10/2024: USMB joins the prestigious THE ranking
- 18/10/2024: Signature of the framework partnership agreement for student life initiatives
- 18/10/2024: Inauguration of the renovation and extension of the Jacob-Bellecombette university library
- 04/10/2024: université Savoie Mont Blanc awarded the HRS4R label
- 09/11/2024: University rankings 2024:université Savoie Mont Blanc among the best!
- 09/09/2024: Third edition of the USMB European Researchers' Night
- 07/22/2024: EDYTEM laboratory involved in the discovery of remains of a 12,000-year-old Aboriginal healing ritual in Australia
- 05/30/2024: A prehistoric tsunami in the French Alps
- 11/04/2024: The world's largest astronomical camera soon ready to scan the skies
- 03/25/2024: Press release following the serious events on the Jacob-Bellecombette campus
- 5/03/2024: The USMB and the agglomerations join forces to promote gentler mobility for USMB students and staff
- 19/02/2024: Humans stronger than the climate: human activities have been the main cause of soil erosion in the Alps for 3800 years.
- 02/11/2023: USMB's long-term commitment to the UNITA Alliance
- 13/10/2023: Press release: USMB, Courts sign partnership agreement
- 17/10/2023: Development of exchanges between students and the Public Finance Department
- 02/10/2023: By 2100, half the world's glaciers could have disappeared
- 09/11/2023: University rankings 2023:université Savoie Mont Blanc among the best!
- 09/11/2023: Second edition of the USMB European Researchers' Night: the event becomes multisite
- 22/06/2023 : L'université Savoie Mont Blanc becomes an ambassador for human organ and tissue donation alongside ADOT 73 and 74
- 06/15/2023: Optimizing the performance of French athletes at the 2024 Olympics: Research at the service of performance
- 05/06/2023: An event to discover the latest research driving progress in Industry 4.0
- 10/02/2023: A new impetus for student entrepreneurship at l'Ecole Centrale Parisuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 12/01/2023: World University Games: 15université Savoie Mont Blanc athletes take to the American slopes!
- 04/01/2023: Dromotherm: an energy recovery road to power a building
- 15/12/2022 : LoRaWAN, an innovative telecommunications protocol for energy efficiency
- 18/11/2022 : université Savoie Mont Blanc cancels a conference on the Jacob-Bellecombette campus
- 16/11/2022 : The USMB files a complaint following tags on the walls of buildings on the Jacob-Bellecombette campus
- 27/10/2022: An open-air laboratory to design the mountains of tomorrow
- 04/10/2022: Survey: self (re)presentation on dating apps
- 30/09/2022 : université Savoie Mont Blanc 's major projects honored at official opening ceremony
- 02/09/2022: It' s back to school time for 80 new staff at theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
Past press releases
- 18/07/2022 : The "USMB SHINE" project wins the 2nd wave of the "ExcellenceS in all its forms" call for projects
- 16/03/2022 : université Savoie Mont Blanc and Banque de France sign cooperation agreement
- 24/02/2022: Looking for internships or student experiences in rural areas or in the development of these areas
- 31/01/2022: 21 students and graduates fromuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc en route to the Beijing Winter Olympics
- 28/01/2022 : USMB's 2022 Greetings Ceremony focuses on students and staff
- 01/26/2022: Nearly 1,500 high school students turned out for the l'IUF's "Journée du Lycéen".université Savoie Mont Blanc
- 13/01/2022 : université Savoie Mont Blanc limits its presence at the Salon de l'Étudiant in Chambéry and the Salon Studyrama des études supérieures in Annecy
- 30/11/2021 : The THPCA 2024 project or how to optimize the performance of French athletes for the J0 2024
- 16/11/2021 : USMB exports its PITON project to Europe with InnoUNITA, a project for innovation and entrepreneurship
- 01/10/2021: Innovation and entrepreneurship at the heart of the official opening ceremony
- 29/09/2021 : Human activities: Main causes of soil erosion in the Italian Alps
- 21/09/2021 : Rector Gabriele FIONI visits one of the vaccination centers of theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 01/09/2021: 74 new employees have joined the companyuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 06/14/2021: Closing ceremony for the Tour du Mont-Blanc Erasmus+: the end of an intercultural, sporting and creative adventure
- 07/06/2021: Top start for the Tour du Mont-Blanc Erasmus+, Student Trail!
- 02/06/2021 : First students for the new inter-university diploma in intercomprehension
- 05/18/2021: Fifty European students prepare for an Erasmus+ tour of Mont Blanc
- 07/05/2021 : USMB and Kagawa University renew their partnership agreement
- 06/05/2021 : Parcoursup: +7% of applications to theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 04/03/2021: Covid-19: local companies join forces to help USMB students
- 12/02/2021: Resurrection of chlordecone in the French West Indies with the use of glyphosate
- 22/12/2020 : université Savoie Mont Blanc mobilized and supportive of its students
- 15/12/2020 : Philippe Galez elected President ofuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 07/10/2020 : Situation under control following an assault on theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc campus in Jacob-Bellecombette
- 24/09/2020 : President's 2020 homecoming speechUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 10/09/2020 : A new school year full of events and encounters for the new students of theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 02/09/2020 : Welcome to the newuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 29/04/2020 : USMB adapts to the end of the academic year
- 09/04/2020 : Parcoursup: + 19% of applications to theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 31/03/2020 : The Annecy Laboratory of Particle Physics (LAPP) mobilizes against Covid-19
- 25/03/2020 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc : mobilized, active and united!
- 13/03/2020 : Suspension of classroom teaching at USMB
- 10/03/2020 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc attentive and mobilized in the face of the coronavirus evolution
- 05/02/2020 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc , educational partner of the Institut Catholique de Lyon
- 23/01/2020: 2020 Greetings Ceremony
- 25/11/2019 : Public Finance Department and university join forces to enhance the value of data in the local public sector
- 19/11/2019 : Ulla Tørnæs, former Minister, former Member of the European Parliament, Danish Member of Parliament, receives the title of honorary doctor of the Danish Academy of Sciences.Université Savoie Mont Blanc
- 13/11/2019 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc awarded the "Sustainable Campus in a Sustainable City" label
- 06/11/2019 : A month dedicated to the well-being of L'Oréal studentsUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 19/09/2019 : USMB's Solar Academy to raise the international profile of solar energy research
- 13/09/2019 : Nearly 1,000 students welcome USMB to its Annecy campus for Campus Day
- 13/09/2019 : The travelling exhibition Vers des lendemains sportifs - Quand science et sport font équipe inaugurated in Annecy
- 04/09/2019 : More than 1,600 students welcomed by USMB on its Savoyard campuses for Campus Day
- 03/09/2019: 167 newUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc staff have started the new school year!
- 12/07/2019 : Honorary doctorate awarded to Claudia Lima Marques, Brazilian lawyer specializing in consumer protection
- 10/07/2019 : PITON Awards: a 1st promotion rich in innovative projects
- 09/07/2019 : The travelling exhibition Vers des lendemains sportifs - Quand science et sport font équipe inaugurated in Chambéry
- 05/07/2019 : Festiv'USMB, staff celebrates 40 years of USMBUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 20/06/2019 : Chambéry IUT focuses on professionalizing its students
- 14/05/2019 : A resounding success for the second edition of Hub Innov
- 09/05/2019: Opening of the Laïcité et République: academics civil and civic university diploma at the University of Paris.Université Savoie Mont Blanc
- 07/03/2019: 24 adults who resumed their studies atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc receive their University Diploma
- 05/03/2019: Opening of a new academics History degree course at the start of the 2019 academic year
- 25/02/2019 : Two IREGE researchers published in the prestigious scientific journal "Tourism Management" for their work on the tourism experience in ski resorts
- 18/02/2019 : Top departure for the first class of the innovative projects curriculum at theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 15/02/2019 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc awards honorary doctorates to Gianmaria Ajani, Rector of the University of Turin, and Yves Flückiger, Rector of the University of Geneva
- 01/02/2019: 3 campuses, 7 facilities at academics, 1 day to get started on the right track!
- 24/01/2019: Université Savoie Mont Blanc Greetings ceremony: opening of the USMB's 40th anniversary year in the presence of Marc Fesneau, Minister for Relations with Parliament
- 14/01/2019 : Didier Bresch, CNRS researcher at the USMB Mathematics Laboratory, published in the most prestigious journal in the field of fundamental mathematics.
- 13/12/2018 : Amaury Dehecq, PhD fromUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, published in the scientific journal Nature Geoscience for his study around the flow of glaciers in the high mountains of Asia.
- 8/11/2018 : USMB awards an honorary doctorate to Fabiola Gianotti, director general of CERN
- 20/11/2018 : USMB and Malraux Scène Nationale receive an innovation trophy for their action to enhance the attractiveness of mountain territories
- 07/11/2018: Université Savoie Mont Blanc : 1st French university for the impact of its scientific publications according to the Observatoire des Sciences et Techniques
- 21/09/2018 : USMB passes the 15,000-student mark and confirms its attractiveness
- 21/09/2018: academics atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc : what's new for back-to-school 2018
- 04/09/2018 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc welcomed its new staff and students on a beautiful day
- 17/07/2018 : RELIEF: a new network of French-speaking partners
- 02/07/2018: Award ceremony for Professor Yves Quinif, geochemist and karst geologist.
- 19/06/2018: A full house for the USMB Foundation's 1st Hub'Innov.
- 06/16/2018: USMB honorary doctorate awarded toMarcel Jean, director of the Cinémathèque québécoise and artistic director of the Annecy Animation Film Festival.
- 14/06/2018 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc and the University of Turin sign their first agreement 40 years after the start of their collaboration
- 31/05/2018 : USMB and the Club des Entreprises renew their commitment
- 05/25/2018: When virtual reality helps women traumatized by childbirth
- 23/05/2018 : USMB mobilized for a successful welcome for its new students
- 25/04/2018 : USMB researchers conduct work to optimize performance and equipment for alpine skiers
- 24/04/2018 : With Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) and the schemes set up atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, they've breathed new life into their careers!
- 06/04/2018: academics classical at USMB: what's new for the start of the 2018 academic year
- 04/04/2018 : Students and staff GA of April 3, 2018.
- 03/04/2018: Communication without gender stereotypes: the USMB is committed!
- 30/03/2018 : USMB and Savoie Mont Blanc Tourism sign a partnership agreement
- 26/03/2018 : USMB presents ACCENTS: its French as a Foreign Language center
- 02/03/2018: Don't miss the must-attend career guidance event: open house atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc Saturday, March 10, 2018
- 08/02/2018: 17 students and 14 USMB graduates take part in the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics
- 01/02/2018: New academics at USMB: a double degree in Law / Applied Foreign Languages at the start of the 2018 academic year
- 11/12/2017 : Annecy university library inaugurated
- 5/12/2017 : The LLSETI laboratory's survey department gets a makeover
- 22/11/2017 : The Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité (LIBM) validates an innovative performance evaluation method with Christophe Lemaître
- 10/11/2017 : USMB Law School's legal clinic made official with the signing of a partnership agreement
- 18/10/2017 : USMB researchers share with the general public at Fête de la Science 2017
- 17/10/2017 : LAPP involved in discoveries of new developments in gravitational astronomy
- 11/10/2017: RAID Innovation USMB Sporaltec 2017 136 students worked on 18 R&D topics proposed by outdoor companies.
- 5/10/2017: It' s off to the races for the 5th Raid Innovation - October 9 and 10!
- 4/10/2017: New curricula at USMB - the academics model that prepares society for tomorrow's challenges
- 29/09/2017 : Launch of a Franco-Swiss project on the energy performance of heating networks
- 27/09/2017 : USMB, EDF and their partners together for EUR LACS
- 11/09/2017 : CP Cécile Déchand takes over as head of the Fondation de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc
- 4/09/2017 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc welcomes its new staff
- 1/09/2017 : A new director for the Polytech Annecy-Chambéry engineering school
- 18/07/2017 : USMB welcomes the executive secretary of the Réseau International des Chaires Senghor de la Francophonie
- 12/07/2017: USMB psychology lab researchers test techniques on skiers' risk behaviors
- 07/11/2017: USMB researchers promote knowledge of volcanoes and anticipation of eruptions
- 30/06/2017 : The USMB Foundation commits to concrete projects for the region
- 21/06/2017 : 2017 ComUE UGA Thesis Prize for a USMB doctoral student
- 06/12/2017: Third detection of gravitational waves: LAPP still involved
- 8/06/2017: disrupt' atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc !
- 05/29/2017: Very fine French University Climbing Championships organized by USMB and CRSU Grenoble
- 2/05/2017 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc andUniversité de Pau Pays de L'Adour set up the Smart Universities Network
- 6/04/2017 : academics throughout life: a new University Diploma at USMB to train in website creation
- 4/04/2017: CNRS silver and crystal medals for a researcher and an engineer at the Annecy-le-Vieux Laboratory of Particle Physics
- 29/03/2017 : USMB and Annecy and Chambéry hospitals sign partnership agreement
- 03/21/2017: A new cluster accredited by the French Tourism Institute to unite players in the Savoie Mont Blanc region
- 14/03/2017 : USMB and Caisse des Dépôts sign a partnership agreement
- 7/03/2017: USMB Open Day
- 02/20/2017: A 3rd professional degree in collaboration with Outdoor Sports Valley for the new school year
- 15/02/2017 : Climate change threatens the functioning of Alpine ecosystems
- 02/13/2017: Signature of an agreement between USMB and Le Grand Annecy
- 31/01/2017 : Launch of the USMB Foundation - Sharing knowledge to create our future
- 30/01/2017 : The Winter Universiade: here we go for 17 USMB students!
- 14/12/2016 : Economic sustainability of Alpine hotels by improving energy performance: USMB researchers involved in a Franco-Swiss project
- 6/12/2016 : The Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité and its partners, improve skiers' performance with the WindFeeling project
- 30/11/2016 : The 1st class of the University Diploma in Motricity and Sport in the starting block!
- 25/11/2016 : USMB and Banque de France sign partnership agreement during Employment & Enterprise Week
- 10/11/2016 : More than 180 secondary school teachers and guidance counsellors from the Grenoble academy hosted at the USMB as part of the Journées d'Echange Lycée - Université (JELU).
- 8/11/2016 : USMB retains its position as 13th French institution in the US News and World Report rankings
- 10/28/2016: InnoWards Savoie Mont Blanc - Myolux Medik e-volution developed with LIBM wins award!
- 19/10/2016 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc , partner of the first Franco-Russian PhD student in the history of the two countries
- 12/10/2016: Press release from theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc presidency on the situation of the STAPS department
- 5/09/2016: Organization of the annual meeting of the Réseau International des Chaires Senghor de la Francophonie by theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 2/09/2016 : Université Savoie Mont Blanc welcomes its new staff
- 1/09/2016 : First integration seminar for international students at L'OréalUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- 31/08/2016 : TheUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc receives a delegation from theUniversité de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour