
Work-study programs at USMB

Nearly 80 sandwich courses are offered to some 1,750 students, including 1,650 apprentices, atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc. These courses cover a range of diploma levels (from BAC+3 to BAC+5).

Work-study programs combine a theoretical apprenticeship at academics with a practical apprenticeship at a company. There are two types of contract for a academics sandwich course:

Which audiences?

Young people between the ages of 16 and 29;Certain groups can enter apprenticeship after the age of 29, in particular those who have been recognized as disabled workers (RQTH).

Which employers?

Companies in the craft, commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors, as well as employers in associations and the liberal professions;Employers in the non-industrial and commercial public sector (state, local and hospital civil services, as well as public administrative establishments).

The apprentice:

They receive training with the aim of obtaining a diploma or accredited qualification, and gain significant initial professional experience. They are subject to the same rules and enjoy the same benefits as all employees. Their remuneration is calculated as a percentage of the minimum wage (SMIC) or the minimum collective agreement (certain branch agreements or collective bargaining agreements provide for higher remuneration).


It is the apprentice's responsibility to ensure that academics the apprentice's professional skills are maintained. The company assigns the apprentice to activities defined by the school's educational manager and the apprentice's supervisor, in line with the trade and the diploma being prepared. The salary paid to the apprentice is totally or partially exempt from employer contributions.

Which audiences?

Young people aged 16 to 25
Jobseekers aged 26 and over
Certain specific groups can benefit from the professionalization contract

Which employers?

Any employer liable for financing the academics continuing professional development scheme. The State, local authorities and their public administrative establishments may not sign professionalization contracts.

The alternating :

The alternant is subject to the same rules and benefits as all employees. Their remuneration is calculated as a percentage of the minimum wage (SMIC) or the minimum collective bargaining agreement (certain branch agreements provide for higher remuneration). The cost of academics is borne by the company.


He or she is responsible for ensuring that the work-study student's professional academics training is provided within the company. A tutor is appointed to welcome and guide the work-study student in the company. He or she will entrust the work-study student with activities in line with the target job and the diploma being prepared.

Our work-study programs 2024-2025


A wide range of fields

Business, Purchasing, Marketing, Digital marketing,
Communication, International, Tourism

Administration, Accounting, Payroll, Management, Law,
Human Resources

Digital creation, Multimedia, Design,
Culture, Events

Surveys, Studies, Social sciences

Insurance, Banking, Finance, Real Estate

Civil Engineering, Building, Public Works, Construction

Physics, Electronics, Computing, Robotics,
Database, Networks, Automation, Telecommunications

Download the USMB 2024-2025 work-study catalog

The benefits of work-study

For work-study students :

  • Combining theory and practice in the workplace
  • Obtain a diploma recognized by companies
  • Acquire skills before joining a company
  • Finding a job quickly
  • Get paid while you academics
  • Be more competitive on the job market

For the employer :

  • Quality candidates, carefully selected by theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
  • Secure the services of a motivated, committed employee over the long term, and benefit from financial assistance to cover his or her remuneration
  • Benefit from the knowledge and skills of the work-study student to reflect on and take a step back from his or her practices.
  • Benefit from studies and projects supervised byUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc , with the provision of tools and methods.
  • Meeting skills renewal needs
  • To be able to more effectively recruit a potential future employee, already involved in the company's life and trained in its techniques.
  • Use pooled funds from the Opérateur de Compétences (OPCO) to which it belongs to cover all or part of the costs of academics


Are you a company looking for a work-study student?

Tel: +33 (0)4 50 09 24 82

Are you a student looking for a academics work-study program?
Contact the SUIOIP (Service Commun Universitaire d'Information, d'Orientation et d'Insertion Professionnelle)

Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 94 83

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