
The Director General of Services is appointed by the Minister of Higher Education, on the recommendation of the University President, and is responsible, under his or her authority, for the organization and operation of the institution's services.


The Accounting Agency is responsible for the payment of expenses, the collection of income, the management of funds, the safekeeping of supporting documents and the keeping of general accounts, as well as the preparation of financial documents presented to the Board of Directors for approval, and their certification by the statutory auditors.


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The CFO is responsible for organizing and monitoring the financial management of the establishment, in line with its strategy and business plan.
It implements management measures to ensure the efficiency and control of the school's financial flows, in collaboration with the accounting agency.
It prepares and monitors the execution of the establishment's budget; provides the necessary assistance and advice for the financial management of the university, in liaison with the DAPAC; proposes and organizes the purchasing policy.

DAF is organized into three departments:

Budget department / revenue monitoring

  • Prepares and monitors budget execution in terms of revenue and expenditure,
  • Support and advice for components and departments.

Purchasing and procurement department

  • Drawing up the company's purchasing policy,
  • Management of public supply, service and works contracts,
  • Support and advice for departments on all public purchasing procedures.

Centralized public orders department

  • Preparation of purchase orders for the common central services ofUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc for the following purchases: supplies - services - missions and travel
  • Internal and external invoices and requests for credit transfers from central and common services for: exchanges of personnel and services, miscellaneous operating expenses


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It is the result of a merger between the General Affairs and Legal Departments.

Reporting to the General Services Department, the General Affairs Department is responsible for :

  •  organizing university elections and institutional monitoring of councils,
  • manage the Board of Directors and the Academic Council, provide secretarial services and distribute decisions and minutes,
  • act as secretary to the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT),
  • prepare, monitor and manage by-laws, decisions and delegations of signature,
  • manage accident and claims declarations and liaise with the insurer,
  • process requests from the rectorat for the constitution of baccalaureate juries,
  • monitoring agreements,
  • respond to surveys within its remit, and send declarations to the Centre Français du Droit de Copie (CFC).

Reporting to the General Services Department, the Legal Department is responsible for :

  • provide legal advice to elected representatives and the university's various departments and components,
  • carry out a legal audit and check the legality of acts,
  • carry out a legal watch,
  • monitoring agreements, examining complex contracts and agreements managed by other departments, and drafting standard contracts and agreements,
  • participate in drawing up the university's by-laws, delegations of signature, by-laws, decisions, etc,
  • coordinate and organize university elections,
  • hear cases before the disciplinary sections and provide secretarial services,
  • handle pre-litigation and litigation files: prevent litigation, draft briefs and represent the university before the various courts,
  • respond to requests for access to administrative documents,
  • act as a relay for the Data Protection Officer (DPO),
  • represent the school at academic level in legal and electoral matters.

La DAPAC est composée de trois services :

  • le Pôle études, enquêtes et outils,
  • le Pôle contrôle de gestion,
  • le Pôle amélioration continue.

Elle produit des indicateurs et des outils de gestion dans les domaines RH et le suivi de la masse salariale mais aussi dans les domaines de la formation, de l’insertion professionnelle et de la recherche,
Elle coordonne et anime l’amélioration continue en soutenant le déploiement du management par les processus et la conduite de changement,
Elle promeut la culture du pilotage par la donnée, de l’amélioration continue, de la gestion du risque et du développement organisationnel,
Enfin, elle conduit des missions de conseil, d’analyse et d’expertise.


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It is responsible for implementing the establishment's external communications policy and supporting internal communications within the framework of the strategy adopted by the presidential team and set out in the establishment's project.

Its purpose is to promoteUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, its academics and research units, students and staff to a variety of audiences: high school students, students in collaboration with the DEVE, institutional partners and local economic players, the general public, the media, etc.The Communications Department works in close collaboration with the academics and research units, as well as central and shared departments and services.The range of tools deployed by the Communications Department to promote the establishment and establish its positioning is extensive and varied:

  • digital (website, newsletters, social networks, etc.),
  • paper media (brochures, guides, booklets, etc.),
  • campaign deployment,
  • multimedia supports (clips, videos, etc.),
  • object promotion,
  • press relations,
  • event organization, etc.



The DDRV's mission is to implement the establishment's scientific policy. It assists the establishment's development projects, Research units and their projects, and academics . It coordinates activities to promote and transfer the results of public research, and provides expertise in research funding, administration and management.

Its main activities are :

  • administration of the Academic Council's Research Commission and implementation of its decisions and recommendations,
  • the distribution of financial resources devoted to research,
  • budgetary and financial management of Research units credits,
  • production of financial documents for research projects,
  • support for research management and evaluation,
  • support for the company's development projects,
  • support for Research units in setting up and monitoring research projects,
  • support for research commercialization: negotiating contracts with the socio-economic world, protecting inventions, managing patent portfolios, technology transfer, helping to set up start-ups,
  • coordinating and supporting doctoral studies,
  • management of research supervisors,
  • support for the dissemination of scientific and technical culture and the promotion of research and research promotion,
  • management of the Savoie Mont Blanc university press.


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The DEVE is responsible for implementing the school's academics and student life policy.

Its main activities are :

  • the academics offer: monitoring the development, implementation and evolution of the academics offer,
  • monitoring the accreditation campaign,
  • Commission for academics and University Life: preparation, organization and follow-up of the Commission's work,
  • information and guidance for high school and university students: participation in the development of information policy, provision of study information, definition and participation in guidance events for high school and university students (Journée du Lycéen, immersions, participation in Open Day events, etc.), leadership and coordination of the Liaison Lycées Universités (LLU) initiative,
  • Central schooling: supervision of administrative procedures for students, from application to graduation, at all three sites. Management of the APOGÉE schooling software, the academics AMETYS job posting software, and application software (Parcoursup, E-candidat, Études en France), assistance to users of these applications,
  • assisting students in their professional integration process, through networking with the university's UFRs, institutes and schools, and in close partnership with the Club des Entreprises de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc and numerous other partners,
  • Student and campus life: organization of actions to help students succeed and improve their quality of life (collaborative projects within the framework of the student and campus life contribution (CVEC) and the Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes (FSDIE)) The Student and Campus Life Department (SVEC) answers students' questions about practical, associative and cultural life on campus. It coordinates all actions aimed at energizing campus life, in conjunction with the university departments involved and local partners (Campus Day, student residences, events programming, cultural and sports activities, support for prevention initiatives, etc.).
  • welcoming and supporting special groups (students with disabilities, high-level athletes and artists, etc.). The Service d'accueil et d'accompagnement des étudiants en situation de handicap (S2AESH) is responsible for welcoming and supporting students with disabilities, in conjunction with the various players within the institution.

The DEVE federates staff spread across the management, the presidency and the schools on the 3 campuses.


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Organized into four teams (Business Applications, Projects, Local Support and Systems and Networks), the DN implements and maintains in operational condition the resources required (workstations, wired and wireless networks, servers, storage, applications and their connectors, etc.) to provide students and staff (25,000 user accounts) with identical access to the following work tools on each ofUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc 's four sites:

  • Messaging,
  • Intranet/Collaborative spaces,
  • Internet,
  • Business applications (schooling, human resources, finance, management),
  • Site licenses for research and/or academics (Microsoft, MatLab, Arcgis, etc.)
  • Access is also possible from Grenoble campuses (wifi-campus), from establishments linked to research and higher education (eduroam) or (eduspot), and via the Internet.

The Property Management Department (DirPat) oversees all ofuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc's real estate policies. In particular, it is responsible for implementing the real estate development master plan, and monitoring construction and restructuring projects. It is committed to defining ways of improving and adapting the built environment to best meet user needs, with a view to constant optimization.

To meet the objectives of developing and maintaining the real estate assets, ensuring the smooth running of the buildings and their surroundings, and supporting the teaching and research missions of the establishment, the DirPat is made up of various departments divided into 3 functional areas:

Campus operations

Campus Property Operations Departments (SEP): located on each of the campuses (Annecy, Le Bourget-du-Lac and Jacob-Bellecombette), they are responsible for relaying the actions of the Property Management Department on the campuses, ensuring day-to-day management (upkeep, mail, minor maintenance, keys, access, etc.), routine maintenance, major repairs and support for the transformations required to develop academics and research.

Real estate development and the energy transition

  • The Real Estate Projects Department (SPI): in charge of overseeing prospective studies, and setting up and monitoring construction and major renovation projects in line with the establishment's strategic real estate renovation and development plans.
  • The Energy and Environmental Transition Unit: reporting directly to the SPI, this unit leads the real estate initiatives defined in the company's energy and environmental transition policy.

Administrative and property management

  • Service Administratif Patrimoine (SAP): coordinates the various administrative and financial management activities of the Heritage Department.
  • The reprography workshop: directly attached to the SAP, carries out the printing work required for the pedagogical department and, more broadly, for the Savoyard university community.
  • Asset Management Unit: in charge of monitoring the company's real estate and property assets, as well as functional coordination of the time management tool (ADE Planete).
The HR Department implements the human resources management policy defined by the University's President, in accordance with the guidelines set out in the university's business plan. In this role, it advises and informs the management of the establishment and all its staff. The Human Resources Department is the direct point of contact for all staff in all aspects of their professional lives. The HR Department is responsible for collective management (monitoring and managing staff numbers, jobs, careers and remuneration) and individualized personnel management. It oversees the development and support of human resources (skills development, organization and working conditions, social policy). It carries out studies and statistics with a view to forward-looking management of jobs and skills. Finally, it ensures the operation of joint bodies and is responsible for managing the Technical Committee.
The HRD is made up of 25 employees divided into 3 departments:
The teaching and research staff department
It is responsible for the administrative and financial management of teaching and research staff, both permanent and contract. It also manages ATERs, foreign-language lecturers, associate lecturers, contract PhD students and part-time lecturers. It is responsible for monitoring teaching services, paying overtime, bonuses and RAFP, and for monitoring and forecasting budgeted employment. Finally, it prepares the work of the representative bodies responsible for managing the careers of teaching staff in terms of recruitment, promotion and mobility: CA restreint, CAC restreint, advisory committees and selection committees.
BIATSS personnel department
It is responsible for the administrative and financial management of permanent and contract BIATSS staff. It also manages bonuses and monitors BIATSS staff employment. It is responsible for preparing the work of the joint representative bodies responsible for managing the careers of BIATSS staff: CPE and CCPANT. Finally, it is in charge of recruiting contract and permanent BIATSS staff through transfers or secondments, and organizes competitive examinations in the research field on behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation ( academics ), as well as direct category C competitive examinations for ATRFs and warehousemen on behalf of the USMB.
Cross-functional Activities Department (SAT)
It is responsible for the specific management of all staff: academics , social action, pensions for permanent staff, validation of auxiliary services, work accidents, occupational illnesses and disabilities. It studies the needs and manages the academics plan for all teaching, administrative and technical staff, as well as monitoring staff numbers, jobs and the department's management tools. It assists employees with their retirement plans: individual interviews, advice, pension simulations.
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  • BIATSS department: 04 79 75 84 98
  • SAT : 04 79 75 91 92


The DRI implements the establishment's international policy and carries out the following tasks:

  • international cooperation: hosting delegations, organizing missions abroad, coordinating international networks, implementing and monitoring international agreements.
  • mobility of students and staff: support for students studying or doing an internship abroad; management and payment of mobility grants; registration, welcome and follow-up of foreign students atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc arriving under a cooperation agreement; logistical and financial support for teaching and academics mobility.
  • help with setting up and monitoring international projects: assistance for UFRs, institutes and schools, as well as Research units , wishing to propose a academics project with other foreign partners (joint courses, double degrees) within the framework of European and international funding programs.
  • organization of French as a Foreign Language (FLE) programs for international audiences (ACCENTS French language center).


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The Prevention and Safety Department is responsible for :

  • to advise and assist the school's management, as well as all departments, UFRs, institutes, schools and Research units, in the area of occupational risk prevention;
  • coordinate the work of prevention assistants, the local link in the prevention network appointed to each work unit (Research unit, department, component, service, etc.);
  • collaborate with other prevention players, such as the prevention physician or the CHSCT, in order to implement the necessary measures to reduce risks;
  • lead the CHSCT (meetings, participation in working groups and surveys, site visits, etc.);
  • analyze the causes of accidents and serious incidents, with the relevant departments;
  • draw up the establishment's annual prevention program, in collaboration with the departments concerned and on the basis of the establishment's single document or any other report;
  • draw up the annual academics safety plan and run specific training courses;
  • manage files for exceptional events, issuing safety notices in line with university regulations and rules;
  • develop procedures or instructions to improve safety and prevent accidents in the workplace;
  • organize the collection and treatment of hazardous waste (chemical, biological, radioactive, etc.);
  • Participate in the implementation of new developments or buildings, providing the necessary information on safety and prevention;
  • ensure the conformity of equipment and facilities made available to staff and users.


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