International projects
Approximately 30 international and European multi-year projects are currently underway atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc :
- 3 European HORIZON 2020 projects
- 14 cross-border INTERREG projects with Switzerland supported by the European ERDF fund
- 3 cross-border INTERREG projects with Italy supported by the European ERDF fund
- 1 FEADER project in the Rhône-Alpes region
- 5 bilateral projects with Portugal, Brazil, Italy, Malaysia and China
- 1 Eureka project
- 1 NATO project
- 2 ERASMUS projects
The Research Department and the International Relations Department support USMB researchers in setting up and monitoring 2014-2020 projects.
- Memento of European programs 2014-2020 for Higher Education, Research and Innovation
- How can I take part in Horizon 2020?
- How can I take part in the European Research Council (ERC)?
- Guides to open access and data management (published by the European Commission)
- The HORIZON 2020 European research and innovation program website
Current H2020 calls for projects :
European territorial cooperation
PIA projects
The Investments for the Future program represents 35 billion euros, including 22 billion euros for higher education and research.
Université Savoie Mont Blanc is involved in 11 projects in which it is either coordinator or partner.
ANR projects
The FrenchNational Research Agency (ANR), created in 2005, is tasked with implementing project-based funding to boost the research sector. It funds basic and applied research projects in all disciplines.
34 projects in progress
ADEME projects
TheAgence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Énergie helps implement public policies in the fields of the environment, energy and sustainable development. One of its missions is to provide direct financial support for projects.
6 projects in progress
FUI projects
The Fonds Unique Interministériel finances collaborative projects aimed at developing new products or services with a high innovation content, with a view to bringing them to market within 5 years. The project must be accredited by one or more competitiveness clusters, involve R&D work carried out mainly in the territory of these clusters, and guarantee economic spin-offs for the national territory.
1 projects in progress
Regional projects
The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region has set up a policy to support Higher Education, Research and Innovation establishments. This support takes the form of annual calls for projects.
Université Savoie Mont Blanc is currently receiving support from the region for various operations:
7 Pack Ambition Recherche projects
2 IRICE projects (Installations de Recherche et d'Innovation Centrées Entreprises)
1 Regional Innovation Fund
1 AAP Mountain
financing of symposia for which deposits are made throughout the year
European program managed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region : European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Update : 17/10/2019