map opportunita





  • Business Forum - November 19 and 21


  • academics INTERCOMPREHENSION - October to December 2024 (see "learning foreign languages" anchor)
  • SMILE - June 2025

PERSONNELS (chercheurs)

  • Matching event – Green Energy – 05 et 06 novembre 2024. Retrouvez ici le programme.


  • Journée rentrée des doctorants - November 14


  • Journée du Lycéen - February 20

And find out about all upcoming USMB events here



coming soon


International mobility

Discover UNITA's intensive hybrid programs, an international mobility format combining :

  • online activities
  • and short stays abroad.

These programs cover a wide range of themes, including the environment, the circular economy, languages, literature, cultural heritage and food. All students can apply, whatever their field of study, and earn ECTS credits.

Funded by Erasmus+, this program offers a flexible and enriching international experience.

Students taking part in the intensive program receive Erasmus+ funding on a flat-rate basis:

  • 79€ per day for a stay of 5 to 14 days to finance your accommodation and living expenses,
  • 56€ per additional day for longer stays (up to 30 days),
  • For students with fewer opportunities, and for those who use environmentally-friendly modes of transport, we may be able to provide a financial supplement and/or travel package (see the financing tab on the BIP page ).

How do I register?


*Step 2 of the infographic: Applicationform

On this page you will find the next BIPs, tab BIPs of upcoming partners 

Mélissa AliouiUSMB student who participated in a BIP on renewable energies in Turin:

On an academic level, I was able to learn about other types of energy besides solar, thanks to guest speakers and site visits (...). On a personal level, I met students from other universities with whom I've kept in touch.

Why participate in a BIP?

This type of program is an enriching experience in many ways:

  • You'll develop your knowledge of a topic that interests you.
  • You will acquire skills and know-how related to working in multicultural teams and mobility.
  • You can improve your foreign language skills (Romance languages and English).

Marine BOUILLETUSMB student who took part in a BIP on European citizenship in Portugal:

I took part in the Intensive Hybrid Program in Portugal on European identity and citizenship. I found out about it via an e-mail from our director Claire Salmon, who told us that this program might be of interest to our academics, as I study political science and international relations.

From an academic point of view, this academics was beneficial, as I was able to deepen my knowledge of the European instructions and other points related to this subject.

On a personal levelit allowed me to open up to new people and new people and new cultures.

I have very fond memories of this program and it was an unforgettable experience. It's a real opportunity to deepen your knowledge of a subject, in another country, and at virtually no cost.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Are you a teacher interested in organizing a BIP?

BIPs offer an enriching, international learning experience, combining flexibility and pedagogical innovation.

Pour découvrir comment mettre en place cette expérience éducative, veuillez consulter ce document : 6 étapes création BIP

Enjoy a unique international work experience in a rural environment with UNITA! (places limited)

The UNITA alliance is developing a program of immersive stays and UNITAprogram, designed to promote mobility while contributing to the development of the rural and mountainous areas characteristic of the partner universities.

Whether in the fields of tourism, communications, social and cultural development or urban planning, the range of internships and immersive stays on offer are varied and aimed at students students from a wide range of disciplines.

These opportunities for mobility abroad are offered by a multitude of organizations such as associations, companies, research centers, cultural centers and public administrations.

The bidding campaign is closed for 2023-2024

Read testimonials from :

If you have any questions, please contact

USMB staff and doctoral students, whether tenured or on contract permanent or contractualcan carry out :

  • mobility academicsteaching or business development in a European Erasmus+ member institution.

Read Fabrice De Poli's testimonial: here

  • mobility mobility

Thanks to the UNITA Alliance, research mobility for doctoral students and researchers is facilitated at partner universities. Researchers and doctoral students wishing to carry out a research placement at a UNITA university are free to apply throughout the year (compared with two application sessions per year for other universities).

Financial assistance may also be granted in response to calls for proposals for research mobility, and priority is given to PhD students under joint supervision, including UNITA joint supervision.

Retrouvez le témoignage de Grégory Chatel sur le partage d’infrastructure

  • Immersion and job shadowing with UNITA partners

You would like to visit a UNITA partner to better understand how its administration works ?

You can apply at any time of the year and and benefit from under the Erasmus program (STT scholarship). You must meet the eligibility criteria and follow the procedure specified in the link below. For travel within the UNITA alliance or with a UNITA partner, applications are accepted throughout the year, not just on the dates indicated. (please allow at least 2 months between application and departure)..

Consult the procedure for staff mobility.

Participate in an international distance learning course

International online courses are a system enabling students to attend one or more courses given entirely at a distance from partner universities in the UNITA alliance. :

Courses are delivered 100% by distance learning, in the local language or in English.

In addition to the inter-culturaltaking an international online course can help you prepare for your semester or year abroad, strengthen your language skills or acquire specific knowledge.

How do international courses fit into your curriculum?

All international courses taken online are assessed and awarded ECTS credits. There are 3 options for each virtual mobility course:

  • As an alternative an international course replaces a course in your USMB curriculum. In this case, authorization and validation by your academic supervisor are required.
  • Optional : you must inform your supervisor that you are taking additional courses. The ECTS obtained will not be counted, but the jury will be able to assess their value.
  • If you are an international student on a study mobility programs à USMB : the online course can be included in your study contracts the request must be validated by your university's pedagogical advisor; or it can be taken as an option, without ECTS recognition.

You can consult the catalog of courses offered for the 2024/25 academic year here.

USMB students can register for an international online course at the end of March 2024 and until July 1, 2024 for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Follow calls for applications in Student Space.

The application process is simple:

online inter-course

  1. Choose the course(s) you are interested in from the catalog of available courses. You can choose 2 courses, in order of preference.
  2. Fill in the application form.
  3. Please consult your academics supervisor to:
    - validate the courses chosen as "substitutions
    - and/or be informed of the courses chosen as "options".

Confirmation of enrolment will take place after receipt of the timetables at the beginning of the semester; if there is an incompatibility of timetables, it will be possible to withdraw from the course online.

computer graphics online courses

If you have any questions, please contact :

UCIL (Collaborative International Learning at UNITA) allows you to integrate an international dimension into your courses.

A UCIL, whose practical application comes from the word "COIL" (Collaborative online international learning), is a type of online teaching that allows you to integrate an international dimension into your courses without the need for geographical mobility.

By adapting all or part of your course to include a period of pedagogical collaboration between you and an Alliance colleague from a different country, and/or a period during which international students work online synchronously or asynchronously. It's an innovative approach that provides students and teachers with a meaningful intercultural experience.

Click here for a brief presentation of UCIL: Unita Collaborative International Learning

Learning foreign languages

Discover academics in intercomprehension: an asset for developing your language skills!

An innovative method for improving understanding and communication between different Romance languages, without the need to master all of them. This academics course is aimed at all USMB staff wishing to better understand and interact in a multilingual context.

  • 3 progressive modules
  • 3 face-to-face meetings
  • 3 online meetings

Module 1: Introduction

  • Face-to-face: Tuesday, October 22 - 2 - 4 p.m.

Module 2: reception and interproduction

  • International online course: Tuesday, November 05 - 14h-15h30
  • Face-to-face: Tuesday, November 12 - 2 - 4 p.m.
  • International online course: Tuesday, November 19 - 2 - 3:30 p.m.

Module 3: interaction

  • Face-to-face: Tuesday, December 03 - 2 to 4 p.m.
  • International online course : Tuesday, December 17 - 2 - 3:30 p.m.

contact :

Registration deadline: October 14, 2024

Conditions: academics offered, you must be able to complete 75% of the academics. This implies availability on the dates indicated.

What is intercomprehension? 

Intercomprehension between neighboring languages (CI) is a language-acquisition methodology that enables you to quickly learn to understand several foreign languages from the same linguistic family.

In practice, this means developing :

  • cognitive strategies that enable you to make the most of the language skills you already have, by enhancing them naturally and quickly.
  • bridges between languages, enabling receptive and mutual understanding of neighboring languages, and the ability to interact with people who speak them.

Why promote this approach?

UNITA is an alliance of 5 Romance-language countries: France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Romania. This makes it an ideal location for developing the intercomprehension method and facilitating interaction and mobility.

When welcoming foreign students to our courses, teachers of all disciplines are made aware of the intercomprehension method, which facilitates access to courses taught in French.

  • For students:

Since the start of the 2021 academic year, USMB has been offering intercomprehension courses, which are available in the same way as learning a modern foreign language. They can therefore be integrated into your course of study, depending on your background. Find out about the possibility of taking these courses when you register for your course. To find out more

Other short courses and one-off events throughout the year will enable you to discover and practice this method. They will be published on social networks and in the Student Space.

  • For administrative and teaching staff :

UNITA offers training for staff and teachers. Short courses are regularly offered to provide an introduction or to practice intercomprehension. To find out more

Yannick Vidal, a teaching engineer in the USMB's APPRENDRE Department, took part in an introductory course on intercomprehension at theSMILE event.

The principle of intercomprehension appealed to me; I was curious to see what it meant and how it was done. I was curious to see what it meant, and how it was done. It helped me develop exchanges, as I was in a group with people from other universities and other countries. I don't think it's just a professional thing, it's a personal thing too. 


In 2019 the Ministry of Culture launched the video game Romanica a new and fun way to learn about intercomprehension in Romance languages.

It's an application you can download free of charge from your smartphone's store. All languages are represented, from Portuguese to Romanian and from Corsican to Occitan, as well as Spanish, Italian, Catalan and - of course - French!


For students:

  • LV2 Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian - Romanian is not yet offered).
  • As part of the European university UNITA - Universitas Montium - and in partnership with APICAD, the USMB is organizing an academics advanced level intercomprehension course in Romance languages, open to the entire UNITA network (comprising 12 European Romance-language universities).

For staff :

Every year at the end of June, the USMB organizes a week dedicated to language learning. Called "SMILEthis staff week is open to USMB staff and international partners. In June 2023, over 230 participants participants, including 99 from USMB. The courses offered were: English, Spanish, Italian, French as a Foreign Language, Intercomprehension and Intercultural Communication.

Don't miss the next edition, which will take place in June 2025!

Whether you're a staff member or a student, you can occasionally go abroad for an intensive language course.

For staff, a platform lists all staff weeks organized in Europe. Don't hesitate to consult it. You will usually be eligible for an Erasmus grant from academics to take part in one of these events. Find out more here: http: //

Obtain an international diploma or certification

Micro-certification definition: "Micro-certification" is a record of the learning outcomes achieved by a learner following a small volume of learning (modular learning).

These learning outcomes have been assessed on the basis of transparent and clearly defined criteria. Learning experiences leading to micro-certifications are designed to provide the learner with specific knowledge, skills and competencies that meet societal, personal, cultural or labor market needs.

Micro-certifications belong to the learner and can be :

  • they are transferable.
  • or combined to form larger titles.
  • underpinned by quality assurance that complies with agreed standards in the relevant sector or field of activity.

Learners can earn ECTS credits, a digital badge or a digital certificate.

UNITA MICs is aimed at different target learners:

  • mobility students
  • intercomprehension teachers
  • administrative and teaching staff, lifelong learners
  • undergraduate students
  • doctoral students
  • university communities
  • citizens, especially rural populations

Current certifications UNITA MICs (October 2023)

2 MICs in IC and Romance languages

  • Elements of Intercomprehension
  • Introduction to intercomprehension

Currently available: European identity & citizenship

Title: "Distance online course on european citizenship" (bachelor & master)

4 separate modules (2 modules out of 4 must be chosen to obtain 1 ECTS) :

  • Economy
  • History
  • Law
  • Sustainable development

Section under construction.

Between the 12 UNITA partners, there are now more than 40 co-supervised theses.

Further opportunities may arise in the coming years. Information will be available in the current calls section and by e-mail.

Portrait: two UNITA doctoral students

Participate in R&D and value-added activities

The alliance supports a research project, Research for UNITAto develop new initiatives, particularly in the alliance's priority areas. Its aim is to structure research within the alliance, and enable the pooling of resources and knowledge.

Retrouvez le témoignage d’un chercheur de l’université Savoir Mont-blanc, grégory Chatel qui nous parle de son expérience de partage d’infrastructure au sein d’UNITA.


The project is funded by Horizon 2030 - Science with and for Society program.

UNITA has launched six thematic hubs to structure research within the alliance:

  • Renewable energies - USMB contact: Benoit STUTZ
  • Circular economy - USMB contact: Grégory CHATEL
  • Cultural heritage - USMB contact: Stéphanie Beligon
  • Global health 
  • Social change
  • Digital World

The aim of these hubs is to bring together researchers from the 12 UNITA partners to develop new research programs linked to the chosen themes.

Grégory Châtel, research professor at the UFR Sciences et Montagne (SceM), member of the circular economy hub, supervisor of two UNITA co-supervised theses:

UNITA enables us to see other ways of working and to exchange ideas with international colleagues working on similar themes (...) to make links. For me, these are new research collaborations.

Internationalizing training

The main objective of UNITA RECIPES for INTERNATIONALISATION is to promote the internationalization of the study programs of the partner universities of the UNITA Alliance, whether they are full partners or associates, in order to increase the opportunities for all students to develop their international and intercultural skills. Indeed, these skills are recognized as essential in our globalized world.

To make this possible, curriculum leaders will be coached on their individual professional needs, and their students will be able to experience the results of this process. Coaching will be provided by a new type of function within each UNITA university: internationalization advisor. This person will be at the service of the program managers and will develop the internationalization capabilities of the programs. At this stage, the aim is not only to take account of cultural differences and break down geographical barriers, but also to develop internationalization at home. This would enable us to reach people with fewer opportunities.

What's more, the fact that our products (Practical Guide and Internationalization Self-Assessment Tool) and the academics sessions are accessible or delivered in local languages will enable us to reach more people and provide better access to the information and advice on offer.

Full partners: USMB (coordinator), UPNA, UNIBS, UniTBv, IPG.

Associated partners :


Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.

ARACIS (Romanian National Evaluation Agency)

HCERES (French national evaluation agency)

3-year project: Start December 1, 2023.

Type of project :

Erasmus+ project (Key Action 2)

Budget: 400,000 euros from Erasmus++ a budget from MOVETIA for the HES-SO+ co-financing by partner institutions

Committing to / defending UNITA's values

En mars 2025 auront lieu les élections des représentants de l’Assemblée des étudiants de l’UNITA.

Cette étape fondamentale permettra à chacun des 250 000 étudiants de l’UNITA de se porter candidat et de choisir leurs propres représentants, qui prendront les décisions nécessaires pour transformer nos universités et intervenir dans de nombreux aspects de la vie académique pour les deux prochaines années.

C’est une opportunité et un droit de participer aux décisions que prennent nos universités : la participation est essentielle pour construire une université meilleure, plus efficace, plus inclusive, pour tous les étudiants et toute la communauté.

Retrouvez toutes les informations pour candidater ici.



Created in 2017, ESN Foreigners Chambéry has been committed for 8 years to creating links between foreign students and their integration in Chambéry through the organization of meetings, such as the Blabla du Globe, or outings in the AuRA region to help students discover the region.

This support will be further strengthened with the award of the ESN label, which will enable the association to develop projects on a larger scale and at national level.

Find out more about current actions here

Looking for contacts at UNITA universities to set up a new project? The USMB UNITA office can help you find the right contacts.

Since 2022, UNITA partners have been organizing UNITA Days on their campuses, to introduce the alliance to their student, academic and administrative communities. Each university has a stand, so that students and staff can come and meet them and ask questions. The aim is to raise the profile of the USMB in the alliance's partner universities, so as to encourage our partners to take part in a mobility program on our campuses. They are also an opportunity to meet staff and establish links and possible projects.

If you would like to take part, please contact: ".

UNITA is leading a new project to strengthen entrepreneurship in alliance territories: innovation capacity building in UNITA.

It will enable you to :

- Monitor partner universities' entrepreneurship programs
- International internships at UNITA incubators
- Use the digital platform for English courses
- Participate in numerous international events throughout the year: summer school, winter school of entrepreneurship...
- Find a tutor abroad
- Meet other UNITA student-entrepreneurs

UNITA sets up a ideas boxwhich is regularly updated, to collect ideas and opinions from everyone.

Don't hesitate to use it!

Reply to the UNITA suggestion box

No current calls for projects, but stay tuned for regular updates.

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