Allocating your apprenticeship tax touniversité Savoie Mont Blanc components and projects means choosing to :
- Support students' professional academics and strengthen their openness to the world, innovation and creativity;
- Actively participate in quality professional integration;
- Support reflection on skills and the development of forward-looking training courses;
- Support the USMB and its components in their policy of educational transformation, centered on students and imbued with digital technology and interactivity;
- Contribute to the financing of modern teaching equipment and anticipate the methods and techniques of tomorrow, in conjunction with research units.
The law for the freedom to choose one's professional future of September 2018 brought significant changes relating to the apprenticeship tax. However, companies can still decide to pay the final portion (13% in 2021 as in 2020) directly to a university or its components, to enable them to help higher education establishments, in their professional academics policy and encourage partnerships. More generally, this facility "encourages exchanges and ongoing dialogue between academics establishments and future employers, thereby guaranteeing the relevance of the training offered [1] ".
université Savoie Mont Blanc : an asset for the region
université Savoie Mont Blanc and its components are an asset for the region and a breeding ground for human and intellectual resources: 15,000 students, 1,300 staff working in academics initial or continuing education and research, over 1,700 professional contributors to university courses.
Close to the socio-economic players it listens to and supports, the USMB, its components and partners have created the " Club des Entreprises ", which fosters links between institutions, companies, students, teachers and researchers. It plays a decisive role in promoting the professions of the future. The " USMB Foundation ", created in early 2017, completes this network by supporting digital and environmental transitions.
Support a university of the future ...
Between Geneva, Turin, Lyon and Grenoble, theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) occupies a strategic position in the heart of the Alps. It is one of the key players in its socio-economic environment. Created on the initiative of the Savoie and Haute-Savoie departments over forty years ago, the USMB is committed to offering a range of skills and services based on the research-academics-enterprise link. It contributes to strengthening the innovation capabilities of organizations and the attractiveness of a region that boasts some of the highest demographic and economic growth rates in France.
It embodies a new generation of higher education, research and innovation establishments, resolutely forward-looking, imaginative, progressive, proactive and ambitious. Open to the world, it has been awarded, along with five other universities (Turin, Zaragoza, Beira, Timisoara, Pau), the " European University " label, granted by the European Union to a select group of universities.
Its results make it France's leading medium-sized multidisciplinary university. Ranked between 801st and 900th worldwide in the Shanghai ranking, and 19th nationally in the US News and world report ranking, the USMB is also recognized for its efficiency in terms of student success and professional integration.
[1] Press kit "Transformation de l'apprentissage", February 2018, downloadable at.
From 2023, the apprenticeship tax paid to URSSAF will be transferred to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. To allocate your taxe d'apprentissage to the university, to one of our courses or to one of our projects, you need to log on to the SOLTéA platform from May 25, 2023: https: //