Staff mobility

USMB staff (all, permanent and contractual) have the opportunity to carry out a academics, teaching or prospecting mobility in an institution in another European country that is a member of Erasmus+.

These stays enable us to develop partnerships, improve knowledge sharing within Europe, discover the working methods of European colleagues, and exchange experiences and best practices.

  • Staff training academics (Erasmus+ STT: Staff Training mobility)
    This involves taking part in a
    academics, internship or observation activity in a company or higher education institution (including structured courses, BIP - hybrid intensive programs, academics language, participation in a staff week, summer school, etc.).
  • Teaching mobility (Erasmus+ STA: Staff mobility for Teaching Assignment)
    This involves teaching courses integrated into the curriculum of the partner institution. This mobility can take place in any academic branch or discipline.

Please note : conferences are not eligible for staff mobility.


Destinations eligible under the Erasmus+ program :

  • European Union countries
  • Non-EU participating countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey

How do I find my host establishment?


International Credit Mobility (ICM ) is a mobility project between Erasmus+ countries (European Union member states) and third countries not associated with the program.

The Erasmus+ agency authorizes stays of 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time, in participating countries.

For teaching placements :

  • 8 hours minimum of teaching for a local establishment Erasmus Charter higher education institution
  • 4 hours minimum of teaching in the case of a combined teaching/work activity mobility. academics


Staff wishing to move to an Alliance university are not subject to the call for applications calendar. Applications for UNITA destinations will be processed on an ad hoc basis.

The application documents to be sent to the Cellule Erasmus+( are the same as those to be completed for destinations not included in the Alliance. You will find all the necessary documents below ("Other destinations").


1ère campagne 2024-2025
Mobilités de formation, d’enseignement ou combinées :

1) Dans un premier temps, avant le vendredi 28 juin 2024 : Les relais relations internationales des composantes devront faire parvenir l’ensemble des documents renseignés et signés indiqués ci-dessous à la Cellule Erasmus+ (DRI Marcoz).

Scanned and electronic signatures will be accepted in accordance with current national legislation.

2) Examination of applications :

Les demandes de mobilités sont examinées par la Commission d’Orientation des Relations Internationales (CORI) du vendredi 5 juillet 2024.

3) Validation of applications :

At the end of each CORI, the structures will be informed of the mobilities validated.

Staff will receive a financing contract (ex mobility contract) drawn up by the International Relations Department, specifying the number of days of mobility and the amount of the grant allocated. This document must be completed and signed by the employee before departure.

The funding for these mobilities is provided in the form of European lump sums.

A financial envelope for travel and accommodation expenses will be paid to staff by the USMB. At present, the funding granted by the USMB for the stay is a maximum of 4 days on site + 1 day of travel compensation.

contribution aux frais de voyage 2024 25.png bis

  • The stay package is calculated according to the duration of the activity(days on site) and the country of destination.

contribution aux frais de séjour e+ 2

Les taux ci-dessus sont applicables pour les contributions unitaires 2024 – 2025. Ils sont réévaluables annuellement par la Commission européenne.

NB: The funding period is adjusted annually according to the number of applications and the available budget.

For staff with disabilities, special funding is available to cover the extra costs associated with mobility abroad.

ECO-RESPONSIBLE MOBILITY, also known as "green mobility":

The European Commission encourages and promotes the use of environmentally-friendly means of transport.

Si vous parcourez plus de 60% du trajet aller-retour en train, autocar ou en covoiturage pour vous rendre depuis votre domicile en France jusqu’à votre lieu de séjour à l’étranger, vous pouvez obtenir les financements complémentaires suivants (sur présentation de justificatifs) :

  • + entre 28 et 205 € de complément aux frais de voyage selon la distance parcourue,
  • for any journey of more than 500 km between the USMB and the place of your stay abroad: + 1 day added to the duration of your stay to compensate for the time you spent in transport.

Further information: https: //

For academics and teaching placements approved by the International Relations Steering Committee:

  • Payment of a grant directly to the staff concerned, who will then take charge of their mobility (booking and purchase of travel tickets, hotels, etc.).
  • An advance of 100% of the cost of the trip and 75% of the cost of the stay will be paid before the mobility.
  • The balance of 25% of the cost of the stay will be paid at the end of the mobility program, on receipt of supporting documents.

Based on certificate of attendance :

  • for shorter effective mobilities: downward adjustment of the number of financed days of stay
  • for actual mobilities longer than those validated by CORI: no upward financial adjustment


In line with the strategic choices defined by the International Relations Steering Committee, it has been decided to encourage travel to :

  • cross-border regions and the Alpine arc (northern Italy, southern Germany, Austria and Slovenia)
  • Mobilities within the "Unita Universitas Montium" alliance: the University of Turin (Italy), the University of Zaragoza (Spain), the University of Beira Interior (Portugal) and the University of West Timisoara (Romania), and new associate university partners: the University of Brescia (Italy), the Public University of Navarre (Spain), the Polytechnic of Guarda (Portugal) and the University of Brasov (Romania).
  • destinations that generate student mobility, in particular English-speaking and Scandinavian countries.

Before, during and after mobility

  • Demande d’autorisation d’absence à l’étranger (DAAE) : vous trouverez le formulaire dans l’intranet, rubrique « Demandes dématérialisées »
  • Here is a summary of the steps to take before setting off on an international assignment:

if you're going on an international assignment

  • Une attestation de présence est à faire signer sur place et à faire parvenir à la Direction des Relations Internationales de l’USMB – Cellule Erasmus+. Téléchargez les attestation de présence STA outSTT  – STA+STT.
  • For combined STA and STT mobilities, where the academics part takes place in a school other than the one in which the student is enrolled, 2 certificates of attendance must be completed and signed.
  • Après la mobilité, les personnels devront remplir le rapport du participant en ligne (EUSurvey). Ils recevront directement un lien d’accès de la base de données de la Commission européenne.

Teresa Liso, Erasmus+ Program Coordinator Referent Europe: