Free Mover

You wish to come toUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc as an individual, without being bound by a partnership agreement betweenUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc and the higher education institution in which you are studying in your own country. You will then have the same status as French students. The new academic year begins in September, and enrolment is for the whole year (it is not possible to come for just one semester).

To find out more about our training courses :

The procedure for enrolling at USMB depends on your country of origin and your level of study:

Do you have questions about what you need to do, where to live or how to live in the region?

Amandine BouchetAmandine Bouchet

In charge of welcoming international visitors, especially freemovers and PhD students


Telephone: 04 79 75 91 15