Internship mobility

An internship abroad is an enriching experience that enables you to broaden your horizons, improve your command of a foreign language, acquire intercultural and professional skills...

Find an internship

Contact the internship office in your department.

Your component's internship office regularly receives internship offers that match the profiles of the component's students.

It can :

  • help you make contact with companies abroad
  • provide you with useful advice
  • help you fill in your internship agreement (mandatory).

Logounita Color

Enjoy a unique international work experience in a rural environment with UNITA! (places limited)

The UNITA alliance is developing a new program of immersive stays and UNITAprogram, designed to promote mobility while contributing to the development of the rural and mountainous areas characteristic of the partner universities.

Whether in the fields of tourism, communications, social and cultural development, or urban planning, internships and immersive stays are varied and aimed at students from a wide range of disciplines.

These opportunities for mobility abroad are offered by a multitude of organizations such as associations, companies, research centers, cultural centers and public administrations.

Check out the call for applications here, you have until April 16 to apply for summer 2024.

Mathilde Chevallier talks about her experience in Italy on video.

Read what the sisters of the Voirons monastery have to say.

If you have any questions, please contact

Aimed primarily at students and recent graduates aged 18 to 28, international volunteering is an enriching professional experience, a real springboard for an international career.
To be an international volunteer is to leave for a professional mission abroad while benefiting from a protective public status: the Volontaire International (VI) is placed under the supervision of the French Embassy.

From 6 to 24 months, the assignments can concern all professions and can be carried out :

  • in the company
  • within a French public body under the authority of the MAEE or the Ministry of the Economy and Finance
  • in a local foreign public structure
  • with international organizations or approved associations.

Volontariat International is not a form of voluntary work: VIEs receive a fixed monthly allowance, which varies according to the country of assignment.
> To find out more about VIE: Businessfrance

Financing options

You are doing an internship in Europe in a country participating in the Erasmus+ program
Minimum duration of 2 months (60 days)
→ you will be eligible for an Erasmus+ grant from the European Commission up to a maximum of 4 months (120 days) financed.

Erasmus+ internship grant :

Group 1 countries: €510 per month, i.e. €17/day of funded mobility
Group 2 countries: €450 per month, i.e. €15/day of funded mobility
Group 3 countries: 390€ per month or 13€/day of mobility financed

Country groups :

Group 1 : Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
Group 2 :
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
Group 3 : Former Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia

[Academic year 2023/24 data]

You are doing an internship outside Europe
→ You may be eligible for a regional grant for international mobility (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) up to a maximum of 14 financed weeks.

Amount of regional grant:

95€ per week
+ Flat-rate assistance for students with social grants,
degressive according to CROUS grant level.

Bursary level Amount of additional aid
7 530€
6 455€
5 380€
4 305€
3 230€
2 155€
1 - 0 bis 80€
  • + €530 flat-rate assistance for students with disabilities

The Aide à la Mobilité Internationale (AMI) is not available for internships, except in the special case of students who are eligible for an Erasmus+ grant or a regional grant.

Amount of grant: 1 monthly payment = €400

Bursary level
Internship (no other funding)
4 à 7 4 monthly payments maximum
1 à 3 4 monthly payments maximum
0 bis 3 monthly payments maximum

Specific supplementary funding at actual cost is available for disabled people taking part in the Erasmus + program. It covers the additional costs associated with mobility abroad.

The International Relations Department can help you set up your mobility project.

You can also consult the support measures for students with disabilities set up by theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc"disability unit".

Allocation rules and procedures

  • No funding for non-compulsory internships that do not qualify for Ects credits and/or the diploma
  • Only one type of grant: regional grant for international mobility or Erasmus+ (cannot be combined)
  • No funding for internships with remuneration/gratuity of more than €623.70 net/month, or €733.70 net/month for students with social grants or those with disabilities.
  • No funding for internships abroad (e.g. Switzerland...) if the student is accommodated in France.
  • No additional funding is provided if the course is extended beyond the original duration.

These allocation rules are defined within the limits of available regional and Erasmus+ grants, and are subject to change during the year depending on the use of the financial envelope.

Erasmus+ and regional scholarships are paid in two instalments:

  • 75% at the start of the mobility period on presentation of proof of the start of the stay
  • 25% at the end of the stay upon presentation of proof of completion of stay

The 75% deposit is calculated on the basis of the actual justified duration indicated on the certificate at the start of the stay.

The lump-sum regional subsidy for students with scholarships or disabilities is paid at the beginning of the stay on presentation of proof of the start of the stay.

Apply at

Before you begin your application, please have the following documents ready. They should be downloaded at the end of your application and submitted to the international relations office at your university with the application form:

  • a typed CV in French
  • a cover letter in French, dated, signed and addressed to the President of the Conseil Régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes with the subject line: "Demande de bourse régionale pour la mobilité internationale" (Application for a regional grant for international mobility)
  • RIB of a French bank account in your name
  • the final notification from the CROUS if you are a student receiving a grant based on social criteria
  • disability certificate (MDPH) if you have a disability
  • the signed internship agreement, or the official letter of acceptance, or the signed pre-agreement.
    NB:For processing the application, the internship agreement or pre-convention signed by the USMB and the student is sufficient. The signature of all 3 parties, including the host institution, is required for payment of the grant.
  • Attestation of remuneration completed and signed by your host establishment(must be attached to your application if the remuneration or absence of remuneration is not clearly mentioned on the internship agreement)

Students wishing to apply for financial aid for an internship abroad during the academic year must :

  • apply by filling in the online forms (once the internship has been confirmed)
  • submit the application to the international relations office of their component at least one month before the start of the internship.

Access the USMB application form


Once your application has been validated by the International Relations Department as being eligible for a regional grant, you will receive your access codes to submit your application on the Region's platform:

Access the regional portal to apply for a regional grant
Application guide
Video presentation of the regional grants portal

Prepare your mobility

Consult the "Outgoing mobility" guide

Before, during and after your internship

During your stay, you will need to submit a number of educational and financial documents (to be returned to the DRI) before your scholarship can be paid.

-> You benefit from an Erasmus+ grant

-> You benefit from a regional grant for international mobility