Study mobility

Study mobility enables you to spend a semester or a year studying at a partner university abroad.

  • you register withUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
  • attend classes and take exams at your partner university abroad
  • à votre retour en France, l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc valide les notes et examens passés à l’étranger

The stages of your project

  • Discover a new country, a new culture, a new education system...
  • Mastering a foreign language
  • "Boost your curriculum vitae and your career
  • Develop adaptability, autonomy, initiative, self-confidence...

The USMB has nearly 400 partner universities worldwide.

Contact the head of your department atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc ; he or she can tell you about the foreign partnership agreements (countries, universities, subjects taught...) that exist for the degree you are preparing.

Consult the interactive map of destinations (Europe).

1 semester or 1 year

To apply, you must have completed at least one year of higher education.

All students applying to study abroad are selected by their component according to its own criteria, in the fields covered by the academics international offer.


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The European Commission's Erasmus+ program gives you the opportunity to spend part of your studies at a partner university inan Erasmus+ country.

Students follow courses and take exams at their host university to validate their year and/or diploma atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.


International Credit Mobility (ICM ) is a mobility project between Erasmus+ countries (European Union member states) and third countries not associated with the program.

Logounita Color International online courses are a system enabling students to attend one or more courses given entirely at a distance from the partner universities of the UNITA alliance. :

Courses are delivered 100% by distance learning, in the local language or in English.

In addition to the inter-culturaltaking an international online course can help you prepare for your semester or year abroad, strengthen your language skills or acquire specific knowledge.

How do international courses fit into your curriculum?

All international courses taken online are assessed and awarded ECTS credits. There are 3 options for each virtual mobility course:

  • As an alternative an international course replaces a course in your USMB curriculum. In this case, authorization and validation by your academic supervisor is required.
  • Optional : you must inform your supervisor that you are taking additional courses. The ECTS obtained will not be counted, but the jury will be able to assess their value.
  • If you are an international student on a study mobility programs à USMB : the online course can be included in your study contracts the request must be validated by your university's academic advisor; or it can be taken as an option, without ECTS recognition.

You can consult the course catalog for 2024/25 here.

Follow calls for applications in Student Space.

Outside Europe


Thanks to bilateral agreements, you can study in countries all over the world.

These partnership agreements between programs atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc and programs at foreign institutions enable you to spend a semester or a year studying at a partner university.

These agreements set out the precise framework for exchanges (courses and degrees concerned, number of students eligible, educational prerequisites, hosting arrangements, etc.).

To find out more, contact
Get in touch with your component's international relations relays.


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ORA program for mobility to Ontario (Canada)

This program enables students from the University to study in Ontario (Canada) at academics . It is based on reciprocal student exchanges between the 14 Ontario universities participating in the program and 10 Rhône-Alpes universities.

A good level of English attested by the TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) is required.

Applications will be ranked by the International Relations Orientation Committee (CORI) atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, then forwarded to the Canadian coordinator, who will assign students to the most suitable institution for their studies.


BCI program for mobility to Quebec (Canada)

The BCI program givesUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc students the opportunity to spend a semester at one of the 8 Quebec universities participating in the program*, at academics .

The duration of the stay is normally one academic year (8 months).

Students can make up to 3 choices based on the range of courses on offer. This search must be carried out in consultation with the tutor of the diploma being prepared for during the year of mobility.

Applications will be selected by the International Relations Steering Committee (CORI) atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.

* UQAM is leaving the BCI network as of the 2023/2024 academic year.

United States

United Kingdom


Fiji Islands

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International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)

This program, in whichUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc has been involved for many years, gives students the opportunity to spend one or two semesters studying at one of the program's member universities in the following countries:

  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Fiji Islands

A good level of English attested by the TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) is required. Please note that some universities may require other language tests.

Applications will be selected by the International Relations Steering Committee (CORI) atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.

ISEP operates a specific system based on an "exchange of services". Students must pay their enrolment fees, application fees and the cost of a host student toUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc . During their stay in the countries in question, they then receive the same services free of charge.


International mobility grants

Erasmus + grant
Dans le cadre du programme Erasmus +, les étudiants peuvent bénéficier d’une bourse de mobilité internationale.

Erasmus+ scholarship (European Union) :

  • Group 1 countries: €360 per month or €12/day of funded mobility
  • Group 2 countries: €300 per month or €10/day of funded mobility
  • Group 3 countries: €240 per month or €8/day of funded mobility

Country groups :

Group 1 : Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
Group 2 :
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
Group 3 : Republic of Northern Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia

[Remarque : informations valables pour 2023/24]

  • 95€ per week
  • + Flat-rate assistance for students with social grants, based on CROUS grant level
Bursary level Amount of additional aid
7 530€
6 455€
5 380€
4 305€
3 230€
2 155€
1 -0 bis 80€
  • + €530 flat-rate assistance for students with disabilities

Any stay of less than 4 weeks is ineligible for a grant from the Region. A refund of the grant will be requested in the event of a stay of less than 4 weeks (except in cases of force majeure).

[Remarque : informations valables pour 2023/24]

This specific aid (from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation) is intended for students who have been awarded a grant on social criteria in the year of mobility.
It is awarded (on presentation of the final CROUS notification) according to the duration of the mobility and the CROUS grant level.

Grant amount: one monthly payment = €400

AMI award criteria for study visits:

Bursary level
1 semester 1 year (=2 semesters)
4 à 7 4 monthly payments maximum 6 monthly payments maximum
1 à 3 4 monthly payments maximum 5 monthly payments maximum
0 bis 3 monthly payments maximum 4 monthly payments maximum

[Remarque : informations valables pour 2023/24]

You're going to Europe as part of the Erasmus+ program

→ Mobility to Group 1, 2, 3 countries :

For a one-year stay with Erasmus + :

  • 220-day Erasmus+ grant + 10-week regional grant

For a 1-semester stay with Erasmus + :

  • 110-day Erasmus+ scholarship + 10-week regional scholarship

[Remarque : Si vous partez dans un établissement d’UNITA, la durée financée correspondra à la durée réelle de votre séjour.]

Going to Europe under a bilateral agreement

→ Mobility to Group 1, 2, 3 countries :

For a one-year stay: Regional grant of up to 26 weeks

For a 1-semester stay : Regional grant of up to 18 weeks

You are leaving outside Europe under a bilateral agreement or specific program (ORA, ISEP, BCI).

For a one-year stay: Regional grant of up to 26 weeks

For a 1-semester stay : Regional grant of up to 18 weeks

[Remarque : informations valables pour 2023/24]

Mobility grants are a contribution to the cost of your stay abroad; they are not intended to finance the entire stay. The number of monthly payments awarded will not necessarily correspond to the total duration of the mobility program.

To receive these grants, you must submit an application to your component.
Applications for financial aid (scholarships, duration, etc.) are submitted to the International Relations Orientation Committee (CORI) for approval, based on various eligibility criteria.
Your request may therefore be accepted on terms that differ from your initial wish, or it may even be rejected.
Several arbitration sessions are organized during the academic year.

Financial assistance is awarded on the basis of the duration of mobility declared at the time of application, and may be adjusted downwards depending on the actual duration of the stay.
If your stay is extended, no additional grant will be awarded.

NB: Only the period spent abroad will be eligible for the scholarship (whether the courses at the host institution are taken remotely from the host country or face-to-face at the host university). In the case of distance learning courses started in France and continued abroad, the scholarship will only cover the period spent abroad.

Erasmus+ and regional scholarships are paid in two instalments:

  • 75% at the start of the mobility period on presentation of proof of the start of the stay
  • 25% at the end of the stay upon presentation of proof of completion of stay

NB: The 75% deposit is calculated on the basis of the actual justified duration indicated on the start-of-stay certificate.

The lump-sum regional subsidy for students with scholarships or disabilities is paid at the beginning of the stay on presentation of proof of the start of the stay.

Regional grants are managed via the regional aid portal. Students must create their account and manage payment requests (deposit and balance).


Please have the following documents ready to download at the end of your application and to hand in to the international relations office of your component with the application form:

  • RIB of a French bank account in your name
  • notification of final award from the CROUS if you have a scholarship based on social criteria
  • disability certificate (MDPH) if you are disabled

For BCI / ISEP / ORA programs: please indicate 3 universities per program, in order of preference.

  • Students interested in Ball State University (USA ) should apply via the ISEP program, indicating Ball State as choice n°1, as well as two other choices of universities in the program.
  • Students interested in the Université du Québec à Trois Rivières (Canada - Quebec) must apply via the BCI program, indicating UQTR as choice no. 1, as well as two other choices of universities in the BCI program.
  • Students interested in studying at the Université de Montréal (Canada) should apply via the "Bilateral - Student Offer - USMB" mobility program, indicating Université de Montréal as choice no. 1, as well as two other university choices from the BCI program.

=> To apply or access your application file, go to the USMB international mobility portal.


Access the regional portal to apply for a regional grant
Application guide
Video presentation of the regional grants portal

ATTENTION: The letter of application for the regional scholarship must clearly state that you are a USMB student (under the first name and surname on the heading).

Before, during and after mobility

Prepare your departure: consult practical information

Students, have you thought of everything?

students you are going on an international mobility trip page 1

Erasmus+ mobility :

  • To initiate your pedagogical contract online :
    Access your international mobility portal
  • If you have not received an e-mail inviting you to initiate your pedagogical contract online: Download the Erasmus+ pedagogical contract
    Signed by both parties (student, USMB teaching manager, host university teaching manager) before your departure, the pedagogical contract formalizes the pedagogical content of your stay and enables recognition of your grades obtained abroad.
  • Free language test on the EU Academy platform before the start and at the end of your mobility (tests in other languages (your main language of instruction) can be accessed via the platform's search bar).

Other mobilities (bilateral agreement or specific program ORA, BCI, ISEP) :

Regional grant: Once the mobility request has been validated, the student must create an account on the regional grants portal, failing which he or she will not receive funding from the region.

Dans tous les cas, renseignez-vous sur les modalités de conversion des notes au retour d’une mobilité !

[Pour plus d’information, adressez-vous au bureau RI de votre composante de rattachement]

At the beginning of your stay :

Certificate of attendance

Erasmus+ mobility:
If youneed to change your course during your stay, you will need to complete and submit an amended educational contract within 5 weeks of the start of your semester.

You have received an Erasmus+ grant:

You have benefited from a regional grant :

  • Final certificate,
  • End-of-stay report to be filed on the extranet and e-mailed to DRI
  • If you have a scholarship based on social criteria: the final notification of your CROUS scholarship.

Comprendre comment seront converties vos notes ?

Inclusion strategy and eco-friendly mobility

USMB students

You can obtain top-up funding of €250 per month on top of your Erasmus+ grant if you are in one of the following situations:

If you are disability or long-term illnessyou can also be reimbursed on the basis of actual expenses the actual cost of the expenses required for mobility.

USMB students and staff

You are eligible for additional Erasmus+ funding if you use a "green" mode of transport. environmentally-friendly" means of transport such as train or coach to get to your place of mobility (international transport from your home in France to your future place of study or internship abroad).