
Mise à jour le 20 juin 2024

Please note! The information on this page is regularly updated.

Contact: Joanna BASSIEUX - -


Session 2024

(assignments withinUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc)


Every year, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation recruits Research Engineers and Technicians through competitive examinations academics.

The jobs in the research sector and academics include 242 job types divided into 8 professional activity branches (BAP). These professions cover a very wide range of activities: ITRF staff can work in the scientific field, IT, documentation, communication, logistics, catering, administration, etc., to name but a few.

Each BAP represents an area of expertise:

  • BAP A: Life, earth and environmental sciences
  • BAP B: Chemical and materials sciences
  • BAP C: Engineering sciences and scientific instrumentation
  • BAP D: Human and Social Sciences
  • BAP E: Computer Science, Statistics and Scientific Computing
  • BAP F: Culture, Communication, Knowledge production and dissemination
  • BAP G: Buildings, Logistics, Restoration and Prevention
  • BAP J: Management and Steering

Details of each job type can be consulted on the REFERENS page (REFérentiel des Emplois-types de la Recherche et de l'ENseignement Supérieur).


Registration for external and internal competitions and exceptional professional examinations in the ITRF field :

Category A: Research Engineers, Design Engineers and Assistant Engineers

Category B: Research and development technician academics

Category C: Principal technical assistant 2nd class

Les inscriptions aux concours externes et internes étaient ouvertes

from Tuesday, April 2, 2024 (12:00 noon - Paris time) to Tuesday, April 30, 2024 (12:00 noon - Paris time)

Registration is via the WebITRF application

Registration for direct competitive examinations, BOE recruitment and PACTE recruitment in the ITRF field:

Category C: Technical assistant

Les inscriptions aux concours directs, aux recrutements des bénéficiaires de l’obligation d’emploi (BOE) et aux recrutements dans le cadre du parcours d’accès aux carrières de la fonction publique (PACTE) étaient ouvertes

fromTuesday April 9 (12:00 - Paris time) to Tuesday, April 30, 2024 (12:00 - Paris time)



Application forms can be downloaded from theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc website in the category C tab (direct competitions, BOE and PACTE).

The table below lists the category A competitions for engineers and technical research staff at the USMB academics (ITRF). We would remind you that the members of the eligibility jury will only assess candidates' applications in the light of the job description for the position in question, as set out in Referens III, and that the job descriptions will only be used by the jury for the admission phase.




BAP Job type Nature of the competition Organizing Center Assignment Jury appointment decisions Miscellaneous information


E E1C43 - Project manager or software engineering expert External 1 position open at Polytech Annecy Chambéry - LISTIC Laboratory - Annecy Job description



C C1B42 - Expert in experimental development External 1 position open at Polytech Annecy Chambéry - SYMME Laboratory - Annecy Job description


J J2C48 - Purchasing and contracting manager External 1 position open to the Financial Affairs Department - Chambéry Job description



J J2F53 - Legal Affairs Officer External 1 position open in the Legal and Institutional Affairs Department - Chambéry Job description
ASI E E3B42 - infrastructure manager External 1 position open at the Digital Department - Le Bourget du Lac Job description
ASI E E3B42 - infrastructure manager External 1 position at Annecy University Institute of Technology Job description
ASI B B3A41 - Chemical Analysis Engineering Assistant Exceptional professional examination 1 position open at USMB
ASI J J3C44 - Administrative Management Assistant Exceptional professional examination 1 position open at USMB

How to register :

Candidates pre-register on the WebITRF application. They enter and print out a registration form. The completed application must be returned to the competition organizing center, whose address appears on the 1st page of the application, no later than the closing date for registrations - as evidenced by the postmark.

Please note: applications must be sent by post only (as evidenced by the postmark). It is advisable to send them by registered mail.

All applications received in a postmarked envelope after the closing date or in an unmarked envelope after the closing date will be rejected. Applications delivered by hand or by internal mail will not be accepted.

Conditions for admission to competition :

Sources :

Competition organization :

The eligibility and admission phases will run from May to mid-October 2024 at the latest.

Category A research and academics competitions include:

  • a national eligibility phase, organized by a school designated by the Ministry
  • a local admissions phase, organized by each of the plants in question

A different jury is appointed for each of the two phases:

  • the eligibility jury draws up a national list of eligible candidates
  • the admissions jury draws up the list of candidates admitted

Eligibility and admission results are published on the WebITRF application.

It is the candidate's responsibility to use the application to track his/her application and consult results.

Type of test :

Source : l'arrêté du 28 décembre 2011 relatif aux modalités d'organisation [...] de concours [...] dans les corps d'ingénieurs et de personnels techniques de recherche et de academics du ministère chargé de l'enseignement supérieur.

Terms of assignment :

Starting date : December 2, 2024

All successful candidates in internal and external category A competitions will be required to enter their assignment wishes using the LAUREAT-IT internet application, open from October 17 to October 23, 2024.

They must then consult and print out their assignment notice using the RESULT-IT internet application, open from November 8 to November 18, 2024.

They will return the signed assignment notice to the Ministry by November 19, 2024 at the latest.

Candidates on the complementary list may be assigned to replace successful candidates who cannot be appointed, or to fill vacancies arising between 2 competitions.

Internship period :

You have passed an ITRF competitive examination for the French state civil service. Depending on the nature of the competition, you may or may not have to complete a probationary period. An internship is a probationary period designed to test your suitability for the job.

Nature of the competition Status Terms and conditions
External Trainee civil servant for one year full-time equivalent At the end of the probationary period, a probationary civil servant who has demonstrated the professional skills required for the performance of his or her duties is appointed.

If the trainee's professional skills are not deemed sufficient to allow him/her to be appointed, the probationary period may only be extended by a maximum of one year's full-time equivalent.

If the probationer's professional skills are deemed insufficient to allow him/her to be appointed, he/she will be refused tenure.

Internal Permanent civil servant

Reclassification :

Whether you're a civil servant, a contract employee or a newcomer from the private sector, the years you've already worked may entitle you to reclassification provisions that will determine your pay grade.

This reclassification will be carried out exclusively by the Ministry on the basis of the documents you provided when you registered for the competition.

The table below lists the category B competitions open to USMB staff in the Research and academics sectors.

If B competitions are profiled via a job description, this will be distributed to registered candidates only by the organizing centers, after validation by the competition expert, on their website or when invitations to admission are sent out.



BAP Job type Nature of the competition Organizing Center Assignment Jury appointment decisions Miscellaneous information
CN TECH C C4B41 - Instrumentation, experimentation and measurement technician External USMB 1 position at Institut universitaire de technologie de Chambéry - Le Bourget du Lac Job description


G G4A46 - Technician in building design, maintenance and operation Internal USMB 1 position open to the Heritage Department - SEP - Le Bourget du Lac Job description


G G4A46 - Technician in building design, maintenance and operation Internal USMB 1 position open in the Heritage Department - SEP - Annecy Job description


J J4C42 - Administrative management technician Internal ENS Lyon 1 position open in the Human Resources Department - Chambéry  Visit the ENS de Lyon website Open to job types


J J4E44 - Financial and Accounting Manager External Lyon 3 University 1 position open in the Research and Development Department - Annecy  Visit the Lyon 3 University website Job description


How to register :

Candidates pre-register on the WebITRF application. They enter and print out a registration form. The completed application must be returned to the competition organizing center, whose address appears on the 1st page of the application, no later than the closing date for registrations - as evidenced by the postmark.

Please note: applications must be sent by post only (as evidenced by the postmark). It is advisable to send them by registered mail.

All applications received in a postmarked envelope after the closing date or in an unmarked envelope after the closing date will be rejected. Applications delivered by hand or by internal mail will not be accepted.

Conditions for admission to competition :

Sources :

Competition organization :

The eligibility and admission phases will take place from May to June 2024.

Category B research and academics competitions are organized at regional level. The Ministry designates an organizing center, which may be different from the establishment to which the candidate is assigned.

The organizing center organizes the eligibility and admission phases, for which a single jury is appointed.

Eligibility and admission results are published on the WebITRF application.

It is the candidate's responsibility to use the application to track his/her application and consult results.

Type of test :

Source : l'arrêté du 28 décembre 2011 relatif aux modalités d'organisation [...] de concours [...] dans les corps d'ingénieurs et de personnels techniques de recherche et de academics du ministère chargé de l'enseignement supérieur.

Terms of assignment :

Starting date : September 2, 2024

Successful candidates in internal and external category B competitions who are placed on the main list will be offered an assignment within the academy. These assignments will take into account, as far as possible, the wishes expressed by the candidates.

Successful candidates will have 8 days to accept or refuse the assignment.

Candidates on the complementary list may be assigned to replace successful candidates who cannot be appointed, or to fill vacancies arising between 2 competitions.

Internship period :

You have passed an ITRF competitive examination for the French state civil service. Depending on the nature of the competition, you may or may not have to complete a probationary period. An internship is a probationary period designed to test your suitability for the job.

Nature of the competition Status Terms and conditions
External Trainee civil servant for one year full-time equivalent At the end of the probationary period, a probationary civil servant who has demonstrated the professional skills required for the performance of his or her duties is appointed.

If the trainee's professional skills are not deemed sufficient to allow him/her to be appointed, the probationary period may only be extended by a maximum of one year's full-time equivalent.

If the probationer's professional skills are deemed insufficient to allow him/her to be appointed, he/she will be refused tenure.

Internal Permanent civil servant

Reclassification :

Whether you're a civil servant, a contract employee or a newcomer from the private sector, the years you've already worked may entitle you to reclassification provisions that will determine your pay grade.

This reclassification will be carried out exclusively by the Ministry on the basis of the documents you provided when you registered for the competition.

The table below lists the C category competitions open to USMB staff in the Research and academics sectors.

If C competitions are profiled via a job description, this will be distributed to registered candidates only by the organizing centers, after validation by the competition expert, on their website or when invitations to admission are sent out.



BAP Job type Type of recruitment Organizing Center Assignment Jury appointment orders Miscellaneous information
ATRF P2C G G5B45 - Logistics operator External USMB 1 position open in the Heritage Department - Annecy Job description
ATRF P2C J J5X41 - Administrative Management Assistant External Lyon 2 University 2 positions open on vacancy according to profile  Visit the Lyon 2 University website Open to job types
ATRF P2C J J5X41 - Administrative Management Assistant Internal USMB 6 positions open on vacancies according to profile  

Open to job types


How to register :

Candidates pre-register on the WebITRF application. They enter and print out a registration form. The completed application must be returned to the competition organizing center, whose address appears on the 1st page of the application, no later than the closing date for registrations - as evidenced by the postmark.

Please note: applications must be sent by post only (as evidenced by the postmark). It is advisable to send them by registered mail.

All applications received in a postmarked envelope after the closing date or in an unmarked envelope after the closing date will be rejected. Applications delivered by hand or by internal mail will not be accepted.

Conditions for admission to competition :

Sources :

Competition organization :

The eligibility and admission phases will take place from May to June 2024.

Category C research and academics competitions are organized at regional level. The Ministry designates an organizing center, which may be different from the establishment to which the candidate is assigned.

The organizing center organizes the eligibility and admission phases, for which a single jury is appointed.

Eligibility and admission results are published on the WebITRF application.

It is the candidate's responsibility to use the application to track his/her application and consult results.

Type of test :

Source : l'arrêté du 28 décembre 2011 relatif aux modalités d'organisation [...] de concours [...] dans les corps d'ingénieurs et de personnels techniques de recherche et de academics du ministère chargé de l'enseignement supérieur.

Terms of assignment :

Starting date : September 2, 2024

Successful candidates in internal and external category C competitive examinations who are placed on the main list will be offered an assignment within the academy. These assignments will take into account, as far as possible, the wishes expressed by the candidates.

Successful candidates will have 8 days to accept or refuse the assignment.

Candidates on the complementary list may be assigned to replace successful candidates who cannot be appointed, or to fill vacancies arising between 2 competitions.

Internship period :

You have passed an ITRF competitive examination for the French state civil service. Depending on the nature of the competition, you may or may not have to complete a probationary period. An internship is a probationary period designed to test your suitability for the job.

Nature of the competition Status Terms and conditions
External Trainee civil servant for one year full-time equivalent At the end of the probationary period, a probationary civil servant who has demonstrated the professional skills required for the performance of his or her duties is appointed.

If the trainee's professional skills are not deemed sufficient to allow him/her to be appointed, the probationary period may only be extended by a maximum of one year's full-time equivalent.

If the probationer's professional skills are deemed insufficient to allow him/her to be appointed, he/she will be refused tenure.

Internal Permanent civil servant

Reclassification :

Whether you're a civil servant, a contract employee or a newcomer from the private sector, the years you've already worked may entitle you to reclassification provisions that will determine your pay grade.

This reclassification will be carried out exclusively by the Ministry on the basis of the documents you provided when you registered for the competition.

The table below shows recruitment at the USMB without external competition (direct competition) for people with an employment obligation (BOE) and as part of the PACTE program for access to civil service careers in the research sector and academics in category C.




BAP Job type Type of recruitment Organizing Center Assignment Décision de nomination du jury Miscellaneous information
ATRF J J5X41 - Administrative Management Assistant BOE USMB 2 positions open on vacancy according to profile Décision de nomination du jury Recruitment notice

Application form

Job description

Résultats admissibilité

Résultats admission


ATRF J J5X41 - Administrative Management Assistant Direct Competition USMB 3 open positions based on profile Décision de nomination du jury Recruitment notice

Application form

Job description

Résultats admissibilité

Résultats admission

ATRF J J5X41 - Administrative Management Assistant PACT USMB 1 position open on vacancy according to profile Décision de nomination du jury Recruitment notice

Application form

Job description

Résultats d’admissibilité

Résultats d’admission


How to register :

Candidates can download a registration form from theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc website. The completed file must be returned no later than the closing date for registrations:

– Concours direct, recrutement BOE, recrutement PACTE : inscription jusqu’au 30 avril 2024– cachet de la Poste faisant foi

to the following address

Université Savoie Mont Blanc

DRH-SPB - Competitions Department

For the attention of Mme BASSIEUX

27, rue de Marcoz


Please note: applications must be sent by post only (as evidenced by the postmark). It is advisable to send them by registered mail.

All applications received in a postmarked envelope after the closing date or in an unmarked envelope after the closing date will be rejected. Applications delivered by hand or by internal mail will not be accepted.

Conditions for admission to competition :

Sources :

Competition organization :

The admission phase for direct competitive examinations, BOE and PACTE recruitment will take place between May and June 2024.

Category C ITRF recruitments (direct ATRF competitions, BOE and PACTE recruitments) are organized byuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.

A selection committee appointed by the university president examines each applicant's file. After examining the applications, the committee selects the candidates. Selected candidates will be invited to an interview.

The results of the eligibility phase will be announced on this page (dates to come).

Candidates should consult the eligibility and admission results on theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc website.

Type of test :

Sources :

Assignment procedures - category C (direct competitive examinations for Storekeeper, ATRF - BOE recruitment):

Start date: September 2, 2024

Successful candidates on the main list for category C recruitment (direct competitions for storekeepers, ATRFs and BOEs) will be offered an assignment atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc. Successful candidates will be assigned according to their profile.

Successful candidates will have 8 days to accept or refuse the assignment.

Candidates on the complementary list may be assigned to replace successful candidates who cannot be appointed, or to fill vacancies arising between 2 competitions.

Internship period :

You have passed a direct competitive examination in the ITRF field. You will be required to complete a probationary period. An internship is a probationary period designed to test your suitability for the job.

Nature of the competition Status Terms and conditions
External recruitment without competition (direct competition) Trainee civil servant for one year full-time equivalent At the end of the probationary period, a probationary civil servant who has demonstrated the professional skills required for the performance of his or her duties is appointed.

If the trainee's professional skills are not deemed sufficient to allow him/her to be appointed, the probationary period may only be extended by a maximum of one year's full-time equivalent.

If the probationer's professional skills are deemed insufficient to allow him/her to be appointed, he/she will be refused tenure.

BOE recruitment Public law contract agent

1-year full-time equivalent fixed-term contract

At the end of the contract, an interview is organized with a panel of judges.

Tenure is granted if the employee has demonstrated professional competence during the probationary period.

Failure to do so may result in

  • either a renewal of the contract for a further year of full-time equivalent on another vacant position atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc to give the agent "another chance to demonstrate his professional skills".
  • or non-renewal of contract.

In the event of unsuitability for a position in the Research department and academics during the term of the contract, the employee may be dismissed.

Reclassification :

Whether you're a contract employee in the civil service or a newcomer from the private sector, your years of service may entitle you to reclassification provisions, which will determine your pay grade.

This reclassification will be carried out by the BIATSS Personnel Department on the basis of the documents requested at the time of taking up employment.




Session 2024

(organized byUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc with assignments outside USMB)




BAP Job type Nature of the competition Organizing Center Assignment Jury appointment decisions
IGE C C2B42 – Ingénieur-e en techniques expérimentales External USMB
IGE C C2B43 – Ingénieur-e en conception instrumentales External USMB
IGE C C2B43 – Ingénieur-e en conception instrumentales Internal USMB
ASI F F3D52 – Assistant-e des technologies de l’information et de la communication Assistant-e des technologies de l’information et de la communication USMB
ASI F F3D52 – Assistant-e des technologies de l’information et de la communication Internal USMB
ASI F F3D52 -Assistant-e des technologies de l’information et de la communication Exceptional professional examination USMB




BAP Job type Nature of the competition Organizing Center Assignment Fiche de poste ou emploi-type
Jury appointment decisions
CN TECH C C4B41 -Technicien-ne en instrumentation, expérimentation et mesure External USMB Fiche de poste USMB

Fiche de poste université Grenoble Alpes

Fiche de poste école centrale de Lyon

Fiche de poste université Lyon 1


Décision de nomination du jury
CN TECH G G4A46- Technicien-ne en aménagement, maintenance et exploitation du bâti Internal USMB Fiche de poste USMB

Fiche de poste USMB

Fiche de poste INSA

Fiche de poste rectorat de Grenoble

Décision de nomination du jury
ATRF P2C G G5B45 – Opérateur-rice logistique External USMB Fiche de poste USMB

Fiche de poste CROUS de Grenoble

Fiche de poste Université Lyon 1

Fiche de poste Université Lyon 1

Fiche de poste Université Lyon 1

Décision de nomination du jury
ATRF P2C J J5X41 - Administrative Management Assistant Internal USMB Job type

Fiche de poste pour l’unviersité Clermont Auvergne

Décision de nomination du jury


Session 2024

(organized by the Rectorat de Grenoble)


Registration for academic competitions


  • Competition for the recruitment of national education and higher education nurses (INFENES)


  • External competition for the recruitment of social service assistants in the French state administration


  • External and internal competitions for the recruitment of national education and higher education administrative secretaries (SAENES) of normal class
  • External and internal competitions for the recruitment of senior administrative secretaries for national education and higher education (SAENES)


  • External and internal competitions for the recruitment of 2nd class senior administrative assistants for national education and higher education (ADJENES)
  • Recruitment without competition of administrative assistants for national education and higher education (ADJENES)

Les inscriptions aux concours étaient ouvertes

from Wednesday, February 14, 2024 (12:00 noon - Paris time) to Thursday, March 14, 2024 (12:00 noon - Paris time). (under "Competitive examinations" - "Administrative, social and health examinations")



Nature of the competition Assignment Further information
SAENES External  1 position open on vacancy according to profile
ADJENES P2  External 1 position open on vacancy according to profile
ADJENES P2 Internal 1 position open on vacancy according to profile
ADJENES BOE 1 open position based on profile